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The Comprehension Process of Reading Classic Chinese Texts
作者 齊瑮琛邱貴發
本研究探討國中生閱讀文言文時的理解歷程,分析閱讀理解時的困難點, 找出可能增進理解文言文本的方法,提供文言文閱讀教學時參考。研究採 用放聲思考原案分析法,對象為基隆市某中學六位九年級學生,請其以放 聲思考方式閱讀並解釋文言文本,再填寫讀後回饋問卷。得到研究結果如 下: (1)國中生閱讀文言文時呈現四種理解歷程,分別是「拆解詞義」、「統 整句意」、「深化理解」和「修正理解」。(2)「統整句意」的理解歷程出現 次數最多,「拆解詞義」的理解歷程則在不能順利統整句意時才會出現。 (3)「深化理解」和「修正理解」的理解歷程皆是以統整句意為基礎發展而 來,有助於提升理解成效但卻鮮少出現。(4)生難字詞是國中生閱讀文言文 時最感困難的部份,詞語歧義與省略句則最易引發意義混淆造成理解錯誤。 因此建議進行文言文閱讀教學時,除了有效增加學子的詞彙量與文本相關 的背景知識之外,可讓學子學會運用推論思考和後設認知思考的技巧自主 閱讀文言文本,以增進對文言文的閱讀理解能力。
This study explores ninth grade students’ classic-Chinese reading comprehension processes, analyzes their comprehension difficulties, and finds out approaches to enhance the comprehension. Six ninth grade students at Keelung City participated in this study. Think-aloud protocols and feedback questionnaire were used to collect qualitative data. The results show that: (1) Four comprehension processes, including sentence meaning conjecture, word explanation, comprehension deepening, and comprehension correction, were observed in classic Chinese reading. (2) The frequency of sentence meaning conjecture is highest among the four processes. However, when the readers have difficulty to understand the meaning of the sentence, they adopt the process of word explanation. (3) Although the processes of comprehension deepening and comprehension correction can enhance understanding, they were seldom used. (4) The word recognition is the most difficult part of classic Chinese reading, and the lexical ambiguity and elliptical sentences always cause misunderstanding easily. This study suggests that Classic Chinese teaching should not only give vocabulary and background knowledge, but also encourage students to read classical Chinese texts independently and practice inferential comprehension and meta-cognitive thinking skills.
起訖頁 51-74
關鍵詞 國文教學閱讀理解文言文教學閱讀歷程Chinese teachingreading comprehensionClassic Chinese readingreading process
刊名 華語文教學研究  
期數 201506 (12:2期)
出版單位 世界華語文教育學會
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該期刊-下一篇 應用網路商務華語語料庫──以搭配詞為例




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