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西方文明中的兩種隱私文化:尊嚴 VS 自由
Two Types of Privacy Culture in Western Civilization: Dignity VS liberty
作者 詹姆士˙Q. 惠特曼楊帆 (YANG Fan)
Privacy advocates often like to claim that all modern societies feel the same intuitive need to protect privacy. Yet it is clear that intuitive sensibilities about privacy differ from society to society, even as between the closely kindred society of the United Sates and continental Europe. Some of the difference involve questions of everyday behaviour, such as whether or not one may appear nude in public. But many involve the law. In fact, we are in the midst of major legal conflicts over questions like the protection of consumer data, the use of discovery in civil procedure, the public exposure of criminal offenders and more. Clearly the idea that there are universal human sensibilities about privacy, which ought to serve as the basis of a universal law of privacy, cannot be right. This Article explores these conflicts, trying to show that European privacy norms are founded on French and German ideas of 'personal honor'. Continental 'privacy', like continental sexual harassment law, prison law, and many other bodies of law, aims to protect the 'personal honor' of ordinary French and German folk. American law takes a very different approach, protecting primarily a liberty interest. The Article traces the roots of French and German attitude over the last couple of centuries, highlighting the French experiences of sexual license in the nineteenth century and German experiences of sexual Nazism. The article then discusses the current state of French and German law with regard to matters such as consumer credit report, public nudity, and the law of baby names. It contrasts continental approaches to what we find in American law. Throughout, the article argues, American laws shows a far greater sensibility to intrusions on the part of the state while continental law shows a far greater sensibility to the protection of one's public face. These are not differences that we can understand unless we abandon the approach taken by most privacy advocates since such difference have little to do with the supposedly universal intuitive needs of 'personhood'. Instead, they are differences that reflect the contrasting political and social ideal of American and continental law. Indeed, we should broadly reject intuitionism in our legal scholarship, focusing instead on social and political ideals.
起訖頁 101-170
關鍵詞 隱私價值尊嚴自由大陸法美國法PrivacyValueDignityLibertyContinental LawAmerican Law
刊名 私法  
期數 200709 (12期)
出版單位 華中科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 德國侵權行為法的體系結構與歷史演變
該期刊-下一篇 從比較法的視野分析現代隱私權及其權利位階




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