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作者 余盛峰
本文基於考察s 鎮法庭二十多年以來,家庭代際財產糾紛的檔案資料,揭示了農村長期存在的代際財產傳遞的重要制度— 分家析產。分析了這一內生自發秩序與外來的現代親屬繼承制度的互動、衝突的格局。認為:這套延續已久的鄉村習慣所面臨的沖擊,不僅來自社會結構變遷引致的外部影響,更為重要的是,由於現代法律話語的加入,代際間信息不對稱加劇,進一步降低了代際之間的信任度。文章試圖通過往返西方與中國這兩套作為理念型的制度,突破過去相關研究中靜止或孤立地考察制度的局限。基層司法在這一前在性結構的約束下,其運作方式也呈現特殊樣態。另外,以糾紛解決作為觀察視角,不僅有助於克服以偏概全的弊端,也可借此揭示國家一社會非均質化分布的真相。
Based on the court files about the property disputes between the generations of the family during the past twenty years, this thesis reveals the important and long-existing property inheritance Institution in countryside a nd analyzes the modern succession system. The author holds that the collision is not only from the exterior influence caused by the vicissitudes of the social structure, but also from the decrease of the faith which originates from the intrusion of the modern law rules and the non-symmetry of the Information accessibility between generations. The article reviews the special characteristics of the local judiciary system by disclosing the kind of particular order. It is beneficial to overcome the habit of directly describing, and the malpractice of taking the parts as the whole, and we can also find the truth of the non-balanced distribution of the rural areas.
起訖頁 149-188
關鍵詞 析產繼承贍養基層司法習慣法西方法Property-divisionSuccessionSupportLocal Judiciary SystemCustom LawWestern Law
刊名 私法  
期數 200507 (9期)
出版單位 華中科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 中國農村的分家規範、家產分割與國家法--從一份分書看農村分家問題
該期刊-下一篇 19世紀德國法律科學




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