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作者 陳華彬
潘德克吞式民法典編纂體例是自然法學的產物,它對近現代各國民法典的編纂產生了深遠影響。由海瑟所創立,由薩維尼奠定理論基礎的潘德克吞體系從一開始便被廣泛接受。1 896年的德國民法典正式採取五編制的潘德克吞體系以後,大陸法系的許多國家繼承和發展了這一體系。本文對潘德克吞體系的形成、傳播和發展作了比較細致的梳理。我國當下由學者和官方起草的民法典草案均採用潘德克吞體系,這有其歷史必然性。可以預料,我國將來正式通過的民法典也一定會採用潘德克吞體系,或者所採取的只不過是發展了的潘德克吞體系。
Pandekten System, an outcome of natural law, has far-reaching influence to the codification of civil law in many modern countries. Created by Heise, and theorized by Savigny, Pandekten System was widely accepted since its emergence. German Civil Code established in 1896 adopted five-part Pandekten System, which was subsequently inherited and developed by many countries of civil law system on a large scale. This article takes a careful overview of the formation, prevalence and development of Pandekten System. Nowadays, Civil Code Draft of China takes Pandekten System, no matter it is drafted out by scholars or the government, which has historical inevitability. It can be expected that the future Civil Code of China should also adopt Pandekten System, though only the developmental Pandekten System.
起訖頁 207-219
關鍵詞 潘德克吞体系形成發展民法典編纂Pandekten SystemFormationDevelopmentCivil Code Codification
刊名 私法  
期數 200412 (8期)
出版單位 華中科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 不動產程序的過程價值
該期刊-下一篇 憲法修正案對非公有制經濟和私有財產的規定




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