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The Confucian Ethics of Junzi in Contemporary Light Capitalism
作者 Thomas Taro LENNERFORS (Thomas Taro LENNERFORS)
In recent times, many have proclaimed a return to traditional values and a move away from one Capitalism towards various capitalisms. In response to Francis Fukuyama's 'end of history' thesis in which Fukuyama argued that a liberal democracy and market economy is the teleological end state of economic development, 1 Samuel P. Huntington (1927-2008) argued that rather than becoming one world, we will divide ourselves into a number of civilizational blocs, based mainly around civilizational values.2 Even those who believed in Fukuyama two decades ago are acknowledging the fact that today we are probably not at the end of history. Although Huntington is more interested in politics than economics, recently, civilizational values and discourses are appearing in the realm of economic affairs, almost suggesting that the dystopian outlook of Huntington was correct. Recently, we have seen Islamic critiques of Western capitalism,3 and an increase in Islamic finance being supposedly built on Islamic values: no interest, no gambling, etc. After Schumacher's groundbreaking work on Buddhist economics, many have been inspired by Buddhism to provide ethical principles with which to produce social change towards an economically, socially, and ecologically sustainable future from within a capitalist system.
起訖頁 287-308
刊名 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊  
期數 201512 (12:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計畫
該期刊-上一篇 邁向儒家式的全球治理
該期刊-下一篇 當代新儒學的孟子詮釋與作為方法的「康德」──兼論新外王及其「去政治化的政治」




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