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Disregarding Whither the Wind Blows, Keeping Firm Confidence of His Owns--A Revisit to Prof. CHEN’s Research on NIEO
作者 何志鵬
As a part of the science of law, the studies on international economic law cannot really deviate from mainstream approaches of legal studies and create something totally new. Since the mainstream approaches of legal studies may be categorized into positivism and natural law theory, the means of studying international economic law may also classified into two streams, namely, descriptive studies and normative studies. Descriptive studies mainly try to illustrate existing rules, organizations, and operation, to explain the meaning of rules through semantic analysis, to discover the status of operation by analyzing statistics, or demonstrate achievements and problems arising from the enforcement of rules in practice based on case studies. Normative studies need a set of principles of justice as prerequisite, and then, their main task is to make judgments on whether relative rules and practices may be regarded as legitimate tkrough a critical, reflexive examination of such rules and practices, or to specify the area and direction of international economic law for improvement. This approach is the specific embodiment of natural law approach from the field of legal theories into the field of international economic law, and should be regarded as an express value analysis.
起訖頁 121-133
刊名 国际经济法学刊  
期數 201506 (21:4期)
出版單位 廈門大學國際經濟法研究所
該期刊-上一篇 不為浮雲遮眼,兼具深邃堅定--評《中國的吶喊:陳安論國際經濟法》
該期刊-下一篇 老戰士新吶喊,捍衛全球公義,--評《中國的吶喊:陳安論國際經濟法》




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