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Never Covered by Cloud, Insisting Profound Insight--Comments on The Voice from China
作者 韓立余
收到陳安教授惠寄的Springer出版的“The Voice from China: An CHEN on International Economic Law”(《中國的吶喊:陳安論國際經濟法》),不禁心潮澎湃。為其觀點,為其成果,為其精神!初次面見陳安教授是在1998年於深圳大學召開的中國國際經濟法年會上。其時,陳安教授力倡“以文會友、以學報國”,那鏗鏘有力的聲音和抓鐵留痕的信念深深地印記在我的腦海裡。此後,幾乎在每次年會上,或聽取陳安教授的大會報告,或參與陳安教授主持的討論,或 是私下裡的交流,我都沐浴在陳安教授的思想光圈中。作為後學,自己取得的些許研究成果,一定程度上與陳安教授的影響、關懷和鼓勵是分不開的。雖由於生活經歷、成長年代、求學背景、研究興趣等的不同,也有與陳安教授不同的具體想法,但那份尊重和敬佩深植心中、依然如故。
On receiving the monograph The Voice from China: An CHEN on International Economic Law of about 800 pages written by Prof. An CHEN, published in 2014 by famous publisher Springer, I could not help being moved by the book, the opinions, and the spirit of Prof. An CHEN. It was in 1998 when the annual meeting of Chinese Society of International Economic Law (CSIEL) was held in Shenzhen University that I first met Prof. CHEN. This was also the first time I attended the activities of CSIEL, almost every attendants of the meeting being stranger to me, but I was deeply impressed by Prof. CHEN, then Chairman of CSIEL, when he gave a speech in his characteristically robust style, calling for“ meeting friends with writings and rewarding home country with knowledge”. Since then, either during the annual meetings of CSIEL or in other occasions, it was normal to listen to speeches of Prof. CHEN, seek advices from him, and discuss with him. To some extent, what I have achieved in my legal research should be attributed to the influence, care and encouragement of Prof. CHEN, though he was not my academic adviser in strict sense. This does not mean that I fully agree with all opinions of Prof. CHEN owing to diffident ages, education backgrounds, life experiences and research interests etc. between us, but my respect for Prof. An CHEN lasts forever.
起訖頁 116-121
刊名 国际经济法学刊  
期數 201506 (21:4期)
出版單位 廈門大學國際經濟法研究所
該期刊-上一篇 國際經濟法研究的“中國立場”--讀《中國的吶喊》有感
該期刊-下一篇 任你風向東南西北,我自巋然從容不迫--國際經濟新秩序的重思:以陳安教授的國際經濟法研究為視角




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