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Education Policies for Children of New Immigrants Formulated for Increasing Human Capital and Strengthening International Competitiveness
作者 許誌庭姜添輝 (Tien-hui CHIANG)
In international economics, national competitiveness requires a high level of multicultural awareness when trading with different cultural systems. Many people living in Southeast Asia immigrate to Taiwan for marriage, and there has been a steady increase in the number of new-immigrant children entering the local education system. Despite Taiwan’s development into a culturally diverse society, new immigrants and their children are widely regarded as a secondary cultural group. Consequently, the poor academic performance ofnew-immigrant children is often attributed to their low level of intelligence and inadequate maternal parenting. Taiwanese society often overlooks the sociocultural factors imposed on these families, thereby failing to recognize the potential learning advantages of these children. In this study, questionnaire survey and focus group methods were adopted to elicit the opinions of teachers and new-immigrant families regarding the academic performance of the new-immigrant children. The assessments investigated cognitive dimensions of learning and living performance, causes affecting academic performance, and the unique advantages associated with being a child of new-immigrant parents. The assessments were aimed at determining the learning difficulties faced by such children, as well as the potential learning advantages they possess. Based on the research findings, this article offers relevant education policy suggestions for augmenting the learning effectiveness of new-immigrant children, which would increase the value of Taiwan’s human capital and elevate the country’s international competitiveness in the global economy.
起訖頁 025-059
關鍵詞 人力資本新移民子女學習優勢human capitalnew-immigrant childrenpotential learning advantages
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201503 (34期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 面臨歧路的東亞高等教育:反思台灣大學評鑑
該期刊-下一篇 小型學校跨校推動教師專業發展歷程及其成效之研究-以高雄市二所偏鄉小校為例




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