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Eastern Asian Higher Education at the Crossroads: A Reflection of the Accreditation/Evaluation System of Universities in Taiwan
作者 洪如玉 (Ruyu Hung)
In the current era of global capitalism and internationalization, several countries have resorted to higher education evaluation systems to implement quality control in universities. Over the past decade Taiwan has actively participated in enforcing higher education evaluation of all of its universities. This study critically assesses the higher education evaluation system used in Taiwan to establish whether it improves or impedes the quality of creativity in universities. The background and present application of the system are introduced, followed by a thorough evaluation of the negative aspects of this system. This study problematizes the present concept of higher education and its approach to quality, which could be considered to impede rather than improve creativity. This study concludes that the evaluation system must be open and coordinated with the involved university acting as a community of possibility, a community in the making; thus, a more creative university.
起訖頁 001-023
關鍵詞 認證評鑑系統高等教育大學理念accreditationevaluation systemhigher educationidea of university
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201503 (34期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-下一篇 提升人力資本以強化國際競爭力的新移民子女教育政策之探討




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