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An Exploration to Private Industries to Employ Massagers with Visual Impairment in Taiwan: A Social Inclusion View
作者 朱貽莊
為增加視障者的就業機會,政府在「定額進用」政策下,鼓勵私人企業僱用視障按摩師到企業中為員工提供按摩服務,雇主可以抵免依法必須僱用的身心障礙員工名額,究竟這樣的政策對視障按摩師帶來何種影響?本研究根據15 位視障按摩師的訪談資料,探討視障按摩師選擇該種工作型態的原因,以及從「就業權益」、「工作環境」、「社會關係」和「歸屬感」等四個不同「社會融入」的面向,探討視障按摩師的融入情形。研究結果顯示,視障按摩師受僱於企業中雖能獲得較穩定的工資及較少的工作風險,但就業機會並不穩定,獲得的福利待遇亦與一般員工不同,企業即使提供舒適的工作環境也不是為了按摩師,而公司裡的員工只不過被歸類為按摩師的顧客之一,並不能成為地位相等的「同事」。整體而言,視障按摩師僅獲得一般企業的工作機會,並不能融入一般就業職場,政策應設法提供視障按摩師更接近一般就業環境的機會。
In order to improve the employment opportunity for persons with visual impairment, the government has promulgated an employment quota policy to encourage private industries to employ massagers with visual impairment. The legal employment quota for disabled persons can be offset by the aforementioned measurement. How will the employment quota policy impact massagers with visual impairment? This study aimed to explore the reasons for persons with visual impairment choosing massager as their career, and interviewed 15 participants. Furthermore, adoption to social inclusion will be discussed with four dimensions: rights of employment, work environment, social relationships and sense of belonging. The results show that, compared with regular employees, massagers with visual impairment face unstable employment opportunities and unequal welfare, even if they can obtain a stable salary and avoid risks. Additionally, even private industries which improve the environment for massagers with visual impairment, still regard them as informal employees. For the most part, massagers with visual impairment can merely acquire the opportunity to be employed by industries, but without being included in the general labor market. Consequently, the government will need to support more measures for the massagers with visual impairment to aid them in entering into the general labor market.
起訖頁 79-132
關鍵詞 定額進用政策社會融入按摩視障就業視覺障礙employment quota policysocial inclusionmassageemployment of persons with vision disabilityvisual impairment
刊名 臺大社會工作學刊  
期數 201512 (32期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學社會工作學系
該期刊-上一篇 可望而不可及的服務:臺北市長期照顧機構組織屬性與公費安置老人服務量之研究
該期刊-下一篇 身心障礙者就業性家庭支持服務的內涵與遞送分析:以臺中市為例




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