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衛生教育論文集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study on the Prevalence of Smoking Behavior Among Adolescents in Taiwan, Republic of China
作者 黃松元余玉眉 (Yu-Mei Y. Chao)江永盛陳政友 (Cheng-Yu Chen)賴香如何瑞琴
吸菸戕害健康是不爭的事實,而我國青少年吸菸人數愈來愈多,影響國人健康甚鉅,是亟待研究解決的問題。本研究旨在明瞭合灣地區青少年吸菸行為之現況,並探討影響其吸菸行為之相關因素,以作為推行青少年吸菸教育之參考。本研究採問卷調查方法,由台灣地區七十九學年度國中、高中職學生中採以校為單位之分層系統集束抽樣法,抽取46所國中、12所高中、14所高職共計學生8169人。所 收集到的資料,經鍵入電腦處理後得到結果如下:(1)研究對象之菸害知識不理想,尤其是吸菸對人體危害部分有待加強教育;不過整體而言,均能採取正向反菸態度,值得欣慰。(2)開始吸菸年齡方面,國中生為「小學五、六年級」,高中、高職學生則以「國中三年級」為主,開始吸菸年齡已明顯地下降;且學生吸第一口菸之主要場所是「家中」,而多數是在「好奇」之情況下開始吸菸。(3)從自變項和依變項之逐步判定分析中可以看出:「學生的吸菸態度」、「性別」、「參照團體吸菸狀況及對該生吸菸所持的態度」都是決定該生是否吸菸的最重要變項。至於「學習階段」(國中、高中或高職)與吸菸行為之間並無顯著關係,可見國中階段吸菸情形已和高中、高職階段沒有太大差別。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the present status of smoking behavior among teen-agers, to analyze the factors contributing to teen-ager's smoking behavior, and to provide the background information for smoking education programs. The subjects were the students enrolled, in public and private junior high schools, senior high and vocational schools in Taiwan Area in 1990~91 academic year. The stratified systematic cluster sampling method was used to select the sample. Totally, 46 junior high schools, 12 senior high schools and 14 vocational schools with 8,169 students were selected as the sample. The data were analyzed by using frequency distribution, mean, S. D., ANOVA, X2 test, pearson r, and step-wise-discrimination analysis. The main findings of this study were: (1) the score of Smoking Knowledge was quite low, while, generally speaking, the majority of the subjects had positive attitude regarding cigarette smoking; (2) the age of starting smoking for junior high school students was 11 or 12 years old; for senior high school students, it was 15 years old; (3) the main spot for the subjects to get their first puff was their own home and was based on curiosity; (4) it was found that the students' attitude toward cigarette smoking, sex, and the smoking status of reference group and their attitude toward the students' smoking behavior were the most important variables determing the students' smoking behavior; and (5) there was no significant difference in smoking behavior among junior high, senior high and vocational school students.
起訖頁 45-66
刊名 衛生教育論文集刊  
期數 199106 (5期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣地區教師環保在職研習追蹤評估及課程內容建構分析
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣地區高級職業學校環境教育現況調查研究(I)--共同科目環境教育教材內容分析




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