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The Concepts of Healthy Sport and Value for Students to Develop Lifelong Sport Interest in Ping Tung District
作者 邱若芷
本研究彙整國內外之文獻,從健康運動概念、運動項目的選擇、參與運動、以及健康價值觀之四個主要變項,探討屏東地區學生未來終身持續運動的興趣發 展情況,進而作為國家整體推動發展國民健康運動之參考。本研究經由文獻資 料,建立問卷;從關聯性結構方程式SEM(AMOS),建構模式,並量化分析資料。 研究發現,屏東地區學生分別為:建立「健康運動概念」與「參與運動」的兩個獨立變項,對於後期影響其持續發展終身運動興趣的影響中,以「健康價值觀」 作為中介變項的結果顯示,此中介變項發揮顯著性的間接關鍵影響力,並且大幅地正向影響終身運動興趣的發展。然而在學時期「運動項目的選擇」之變項而言,對於學生終身運動興趣的直接影響,是超越「健康價值觀」中介變項的間接影響力,並且這個直接影響力,對於後期發展成為終身運動的興趣或職業型運動家的 可能性,都有顯著性的影響。
Through literature review and data analysis, the study was explored the impacts of choosing athletic activities, sport participation, and the concepts of healthy sport for developing students’ lifelong sport interest. It is also available to provide references of citizen healthy policy and sport development for Taiwan. This study was constructed four variables, the correct concept of healthy sport, sport/athletic activities choice, sport participation, and healthy value, to explore the impacts of students’ lifelong sport interests. The quantitative methodology of SEM model was employed to analyze collected data. The result of the interfering variable, healthy value, as an essential key factor impacts the lifelong sport interest when the correct concept of healthy sport and sport participations were independent variables. In additions, the students’ choices of sport/athletic activities had direct effectiveness to impact the lifelong sport interest and gave more impacts than interfering variable done. In term of this direct impact was a power for students to develop lifelong sport interest, even for developing the professional career.
起訖頁 163-184
關鍵詞 青少年運動健康運動概念健康價值觀運動項目選擇興趣的發展Adolescent sportsthe concept of healthy sporthealthy valuechoices of sport/athletic activitiesdeveloping interest
刊名 美和學報  
期數 201112 (31:1期)
出版單位 美和科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣客家「年初三送窮鬼」習俗試探
該期刊-下一篇 墾丁海域休閒潛水常見之運動傷害及意外調查與分析




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