英文摘要 |
The past fifteen years have witnessed a dramatic re-conceptualization of genre and its role in the production and interpretation of discourse in which genre analysis has been transformed from a descriptive to an explanatory activity. Bhatia’s (1993) cognitive structuring model integrates sociology, psychology and linguistics with genre study. According to Bhatia, cognitive structuring is composed of moves, which are in turn realized through strategies. The present study, taking prepared public speeches (PPS) as data, conducts a genre analysis within Bhatia’s framework. This paper aims to investigate the cognitive structuring of English PPS, examine typical strategies which speakers choose to convey their communicative purpose and explore the factors that influence speakers’ choices, and uncover linguistic realizations of moves and strategies. This study reveals that: (1) a strategy does not solely belong to a definite move; it may appear in other moves as well; however, the function differs, (2) the choice of strategy is principally determined by a speaker’s communicative purpose and influenced by the subject of the speech, the audience, the place, and the occasion, (3) sequencing of moves displays a great flexibility, which to some degree reflects the dynamic nature of genre. The research findings are assumed to promote understanding of how writers/speakers select strategies to achieve their communicative purposes within the constraints imposed by the genre to which that discourse belongs.
在過去的十五年裏,人們對語類進行了重新界定,語類對語篇生成及語篇理解的作用從描述性轉變為解釋性。其中Bhatia (1993)提出的認知模式語類分析框架將社會學、心理學、語言學與語類研究融為一體。Bhatia認為,語類認知模式由語步組成,每個語步又通過特定的策略來實現。本文以英文專題演講為語料,運用Bhatia的分析框架對其展開分析,旨在調查英文演講語類的認知模式,揭示演講者為實現其演講目的所選擇的策略並試析影響演講者進行策略選擇的因素,以及分析各語步和策略的語言實現形式。研究表明:(1)某一(些)策略並非專門為某一語步服務,它(們)也可以出現在其他語步中,這時該策略的功能將發生變化;(2)策略的選擇除了受演講目的制約之外,還受演講主題、聽眾、演講的場合與時間等因素的影響;(3)各個語步之間的次序不是一成不變的,而是具有很大的靈活性,這體現了語類動態性的特點。本研究希望以英文專題演講語篇為例,從語類分析角度解析篇章建構者在建造語篇時是如何在該語篇所屬語類框架的限制內,為實現其創作目的而選擇某一(些)策略。 |