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The Structure of the CCV Syllable of Akan
作者 Charles Marfo (Charles Marfo)Solace Yankson (Solace Yankson)
本論文旨在探討阿干語的音節是否容許一個以上的子音同時出現。根據我們對於CCV 音節的研究顯示,CCV 只是表層的顯現,並不存在於底層結構中。表層的CCV 是因表達經濟原則引發的母音刪略,而使音節縮減所致的;也就是說,其底層結構為CVCV。[r]的出現、元音和諧的結果及[高]的特徵是造成CCV 的三個要素。
The issue that is looked into in this paper is whether or not the CCV syllable structure in Akan involves a true consonant cluster. Following Dolphyne (1988), an attempt is made to discuss the issue with the claim that Akan does not have a basic CCV structure, but only a surface realization of it. It is explained that the surface CCV is motivated by the economy of expression principle (e.g. Bresnan 2001). It is argued therefore that where CCV seems to have been realized, it is only so because of an application of an economy-motivated process of vowel elision that results in a syllable reduction. It is accordingly explained that the ensuing CCV should be analyzed into CVCV. Three factors, i.e. occurrence of [r], attainment of vowel harmony and the specification of the feature high, are discussed as contributors to the realization of CCV. 本論文旨在探討阿干語的音節是否容許一個以上的子音同時出現。根據我們對於CCV 音節的研究顯示,CCV 只是表層的顯現,並不存在於底層結構中。表層的CCV 是因表達經濟原則引發的母音刪略,而使音節縮減所致的;也就是說,其底層結構為CVCV。[r]的出現、元音和諧的結果及[高]的特徵是造成CCV 的三個要素。
起訖頁 85-100
關鍵詞 阿干語(言語)經濟唇化音節結構元音和諧母音高度Akaneconomy (of speech)labializationsyllable structurevowel harmonyvowel height
刊名 同心圓:語言學研究  
期數 200807 (34:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學英語學系
該期刊-上一篇 馬加方言中的母音刪除
該期刊-下一篇 英詩中時間隱喻的習用與創新




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