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An Investigation of Students’ Knowledge and Skills of Using Library in Taiwan Provincial Senior High Schools
作者 林美和
「發展高級中學圖書館功能計畫」係教育部去年開始實施「發展與改進高級中 學教育中程計畫」中之一項計畫,其最終目的在培養學生具有利用圖書館的各項知識、技能與態度,以做為日後繼續追求知識的能力基礎。如從這個角度來看,圖書館利用指導計畫在此項計畫中就顯得相當重要。目前國內各級學校雖有部分學校對學生提供有圖書館利用指導,惟在有關內容設計與層次方面,迄今未有周詳的規畫,以致在教學內容上發生不周延或重疊現象。為使今後的圖書館利用指導實施在內容上具有周延性、編序性、連貫性與統整性,本研究首先以分層隨機抽樣方法,對國內高級中等學校二年級1397位學生從事有關圖書館利用的基本知能評量,以確定此一階段學生所具有的基本知能。評量工具由筆者自編「圖書館利用的基本知能測驗」卷乙份,內容包括四個分測驗,共計三十題,在形式上採四選一的方式作答,並以百分比、平均數、數準差、單因子變異數分析及其事後考驗處理資料。研究結果顯示(1)在圖書館利用指導的實施計畫方面:各校對安排「圖書館利用指導」或「閱讀指導」時間,還不夠普及,而且在指導方法上也傾向傳統的教學法。不過,部分學校已將圖書館利用指導納入教學活動中;(2)在圖書館利用的總知能測驗方面:全體學生的平均得分約為二十分,低於筆者所設定的二十四分之基本要求。其中雖以綜合高中學生為最好,其次為高級中學學生,再次為高級職校學生,惟高級中學學生在得 分上的個別差異性較小,顯示學生素質較其他類型學校的學生一致;(3)在圖書館利用的分項知能測驗方面:全體學生在「圖書的結構」之知識為最差,其次為「圖書資料的類型與功用」,而以「圖書館的目錄組織」較為理想而一致,惟在其他各分項知能,各校學生間互有顯著差異。至於男女生在此項測驗得分之結果,顯示出全體女生顯著優於男生。基於上述研究結果,筆者提出(4)提供教師與圖書館工作人員的在職進修機會;(5)改進圖書館利用指導方法與實施時間;(6)研擬圖書館利用指導內容;(7)擴增評量內容與方式;(8)擴大調查研究範圍等五項建議,供教育行政單位、學校與未來研究者之參考。
The purpose of this study was to measure the level of competence of students’knowledge and skills to use library among Taiwan Provincial Senior High Schools. To this end, the author developed“The Test of Library Knowledge and Skills”which consisted of four subtests with thirty questions all told. 1397 subjects were seiected from the 2nd years of Taiwan Provincial Senior High Schools, using stratified random sampling, in the northern, central, southern and eastern parts of Taiwan. Descriptive statistics of percentages, means, and standard deviances were included. In addition, analysis of variance and Scheffe tests were employed. The following results were obtained: (1) 64.2% of the sample had been lectured on“Library Instruction”in schools whereas 46.5%,“Reading Guidance”;(2) the traditional teaching methods were adopted by most schools, however, course-related library instruction was also included by some schools; (3) means scores of those students were twenty (out of total thirty) which did not reach the criterion (twenty-four) set by the author; (4) significantly intergroup differences were evidenced among the three groups; however, intragroup differences were the least in Senior High School students; (5) students of Comprehensive Senior High Schools scored the highest, by contrast the lowest scores were earned by Vocational Senior High Schools; in addition, the former was significantly better than the latter; (6) significant differences were found in three subtests: book structure, types and function of book materials, categories and function of library within three groups; no significant differences was observed in the subtest of cataloging organization of library; (7) significant differences were also found between sex in that females scored higher than males. Based on the above findings, suggestions and future research directions were discussed.
起訖頁 1-19
關鍵詞 利用知能高中圖書館學生
刊名 社會教育學刊  
期數 198906 (18期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 德國農村教育之家運動




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