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包魯.弗雷勒(Paulo Freire)的對話教育思想評析
A Critical Analysis of Paulo Freire’s Educational Thought of Dialogue
作者 王秋絨 (Chiou-Rong Wang)
本文旨在從Paulo Freire對話教育思想產生的背景,理解其對話教育思想的內涵,俾達成以下幾項具體目的:1.探析Freire對話教育思想產生的歷史、社會因素;2.闡釋Freire對話教育思想的內涵,包括師生對話的意義、對話的題材 、對話存在的條件、對話的實踐途徑等主張;3.評析對話教育思想,以彰顯我國教育革新的方向。根據巴西有關的歷史及社會文獻,發現其對話思想主要源自巴西不平等社會的體察,使他奠立了人類社會存在的價值在於開展人性化的歷史文化志業。對話教育正是開展人性化志業的方法。因為Freire以動態的人性論(將人看做是一種progressive being),以及相對的知識論為立論依據,主張教育的方法在於使師生基於相互開展際遇中的存在意義的對話。對話包含了批判性地反省現存際遇以及朝向人道的行動。因之,真正的對話要在愛、謙虛、人道信念、批判思考的條件下,才具有扭轉非人性化(dehumanization)社會文化,導向人性化發展的功能。而對話的實踐,首先要揚棄傳統教師填塞學生死知識的現象,由教師結合語言學家、社會學家、人類學家去理解學生日常生活中的意義,以他們認為有意義、有價值、會深刻體驗的事物,編成教材,做為師生對話的媒介。因之,教材不是知識本身,而是師生開創存有知識的媒介而已。教育更不是灌輸違反人性的意識型態的工具,而是開展人性的歷程。基此,反觀我國各級學校教育教材教法的僵化,反映了師生、教育行政人員失去自我的工具理性性格。Freire人道的對話教育思想正昭示了我們教育自由、自主的改革方向。
This study presents a critical analysis of Paulo Freire’s educational thought of Dialogue. First of all historical, political and social background of Freire’s thought is expounded. It is the unequality in Brazilian Society that stimulate Freire to develop a educational theory deeply rooted in human nature. In order to fully actualize humanity dialogue should be used, in educational process for human being undergoes a dynamic progressive developments and human knowledge is relativistic. Only through warm encounter and critical dialogue between teachers and students, existential meaning of human being can be gradually manifested. However the said encounter and dialogue should be carried out under the conditions of love, humility and the trust of humanity. Curriculum and teaching material are regarded as a medium of student--teacher dialogue in order to catch their existential meaning. Therefore, Teachers should cooperate with linquistist, sociologist and anthropologist to explicate the meaning of students’everyday’s life in order to develop a meaningful curriculum. Conclusively it is recommended that the educational material in this country should be revitalized through a live dialogue between students, teachers and administrators in order to avoid ideologizing and instrumentalizing our educational process.
起訖頁 147-172
關鍵詞 包魯弗雷勒思想教育對話
刊名 社會教育學刊  
期數 198806 (17期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 追求卓越與平等:當代美國教育發展潮流之分析
該期刊-下一篇 中華兒童百科全書中表現的政治價值及權威人物之分析




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