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Marketing in Adult Education
作者 詹棟樑
成人教育過去一直沒有很大的成就,是肇因於無有效的管理,也就是沒有制度化。當一九七0年代時管理科學興起,成人教育學家想到把管理的理念運用到成人教育裡來,這種運用是為了能克服成人教育過去未能有效地推行的瓶頸,以及計畫在將來能達成更有效、更成功的成人教育。為了達到以上的理想,成人教育必須有制度化的管理,及運用市場導向的思想。市場導向並非指商業行為,而是一種非商業性質之概念的應用。因為市場功能的操作,是有組織的、管理的、計畫的、有效的,而且是基於供需的,恰可應用於成人教育的實際上。成人教育在市場導向中,被認為是一種水平與垂直的交互關係,即成人與成人教育機構發生了交互關係--成人教育機構刺激成人學習;成人向成人教育機構要求幫助。成人教育之市場管理,常常要根據市場管理的模式,在教育的過程中,某些重要的措施,要採取邏輯的決策,即成人教育的邏輯決策靠市場導向。成人教育要成功,必須講求市場策略,充分獲得資訊、實施教育制度的診 斷分析、措施的變化與推陳出新、教育目標依時代潮流而修正。關於人的管理,並不是一件容易的事情,為了達到有效的管理,必須從人類學的觀點出發。
In 1974, German adult educationalist Klaus Senzky called for better management in adult education, in order to overcome the inefficient procedures of the past and to arrive at a system of more effective and more successful adult education. According to his viewpoint, this article studies the requires thinking in terms of management, and this should be orientated towards theoretical considerations and practical experience in areas outside of education, namely in the economy and administration. Adult education today can certainly be described a further education, but there are so many dominant bottlenecks in this education, for example, fianace, person, system and institution... The fact that these bottlenecks cannot be overcome simply! And people seek a solution to the problems that is an important task in this education. “Marketing in adult education”,that could be a method to solve the problems. Marketing is thus a conception of management that comes from the market, exerts an influence upon the market, and deals with the specific problems and stragegies of management. But“marketing”here is calling for non-commercial. We wish to raise demand a system-orientated form of marketing management for adult education. This would have to be oriented towards the analogue of marketing ideas in the economy, although the categories of this conception that are in common use in the economy would have to be reconsidered and supplemented for the field of adult education. Adult education adopted the ideas of non-commercial marketing, one hand stress the need for those engaged in providing education for adults to aid to acquire the abilities themselves; on the other hand, the transfer of marketing ideas to the field of adult education is promoted on an educational science basis. This discussion is more concern with adult education.
起訖頁 95-107
關鍵詞 市場成人教育
刊名 社會教育學刊  
期數 198706 (16期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 自我導向的學習及其在成人教育上的意義
該期刊-下一篇 論以非正規教育作為發展的策略




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