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A Study on the Service Situation of the High School Teachers in the Province of Junior Taiwan
作者 林振春
本研究的主要目的在了解台灣省國民中學教師於生活各層面上的實際狀況和心理感受,以提供教育當局與社會各界之了解,期能有助於教師福利之增進,從而提振教師士氣,促進教育素質之提昇。為了達到上述目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,首先探討有關文獻及相關研究,以為研究的理論架構及調查分析之依據;其次,根據研究目的及文獻探討,擬定調查設計與實施程序,以全省九縣市,216所國中之3500位教師為調查樣本,以自編之「國民中學教師服務狀況調查問卷」為調查工具,自民國七十三年十一月起至民國七十四年元月止之三個月期間內實施調查,共計收回有效問卷2113份,可用率達60.37 %。所得資料,經編碼、過錄、輸入電腦資料檔,並以社會科學統計套裝程式(SPSS)從事資料 分析,分別運用次數分配,變異數分析,薛費(Scheffe Method)事後考驗,相關分析及多元廻歸等加以探討。經由統計分析結果,本研究之主要發現有:1.工作負荷在學校生活各層面之困擾中位居首位,其次便是家長壓力和學校環境。2.女教師在教育專業信念上較男教師為佳。3.男老師之工作滿意高於女老師;年齡愈大,工作滿意愈大;兼主任、組長之工作滿意較大、已婚有小孩之工作滿意較高。4.最能預測工作滿意之學校生活變項是教學要求和學校環境兩項。5.國中教師的工作負荷主要是:(1)教學時數太多,(2)處理學生問題,(3)批改學生作業和考卷。6.國中教師心理歷力主要來自:(1)家長的要求,(2)行政人員的要求,(3)同事間之競爭。7.影響國中教育行政及教師自主權的主要因素是:(1)校長領導方式,(2)行政人員受家長之壓力。8.造成國中教師缺乏成就感之主要原因是:(1)甚少受到鼓勵,(2)任教班級之學生素質較差。本研究針對研究發現,提出下述建議:1.協助女性、年輕、未婚教師與導師做好學校適應。2.增進校長及學校行政人員之學校經營能力。3.改善學校環境,減少教師之工作負荷,妥善處理因升學而引發之教學要求。4.促進學校與家長之溝通,減低家長壓力。5.增進教師之輔導知能,妥善處理學生問題。6.加強教師心理健康,促進同事間之互助支持,增進教師間之和諧氣氛。7.改善國中教師進修方式,全面檢討現行制度之缺失。8.促進教師參與學校行政決策,增進教師對教育工作之投入,以增進工作滿意。※本研究報告為台灣省教育會委託師大學生輔導中心研究"台灣省國民中學教師心態”的一部份,承劉焜輝教授指導,黃明月講師協助,台灣省教育會提供經費,特此誌謝。
The purpose of this study was to understand the work situation and feelings of junior high school teachers on the province of Taiwan, and to improve the welfare, the morale, and the quality of the teachers based on this understanding. A self made questionnaire was administered to 3,500 teachers of 216 junior high schools to collect the information about their teaching and serving situations. The data obtained were analyzed by ANOVA, pearson productmoment correlationt and multiple regression analysis. The major findings of this study were as follows:1. Teaching and working loads troubled teachers most serviously and the stress from parents and school environment were the second most troublesome. 2.Female teachers hold stronger belief than the male on the professional nature of education.3. The male teachers, the older teachers, the teachers married with children, and administrators were more satisfied with their job. 4. Among the variables of 'school life', ' teaching load' and 'school environment' could most effectively predict the job satisfaction of junior high school teachers. 5. The main work loads of junior high school teachers were: 1) teaching activities, 2) dealing with students' problems, 3) correcting students' papers. 6. The stress of the teachers came from: 1) the demands of parents, 2) the demands of administrators, and 3) the competition between colleagues.7. The factors affecting the autonomy of teachers and administrators were: 1) the leading style of principals.and 2) the stress from parents. 8. The causes of unachievement feelings were: 1) lack of encouragement, and 2) the poor quality of students. The above findings leaded to the following recommendations: 1. Helping the female, the young, the single, and the classroom teachers adjust their school life. 2. Increasing the administrative ability of administrators, especially the leadership of principals. 3. Improving the school environment, reducing the teaching hours of teachers, and carefully disposing of the stress from the entrance examination. 4. Facilitating the communication between the school and the parents so as to decrease the stress parents. 5. Increasing the guidance effectiveness of teachers in order to deal with students' problems effectively. 6. Advancing mental health of teachers, promoting the climate of supporting and understanding among the colleagues. 7. Examining and improving the in-job-training systems of teachers. 8. Encouraging teachers to participate school affairs, especially in decisionmaking process.
起訖頁 113-163
關鍵詞 國中教師臺灣省
刊名 社會教育學刊  
期數 198506 (14期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 社會福利行政的理論基礎
該期刊-下一篇 成人參與教育活動動機之研究




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