中文摘要 |
隨著全世界人口老化的共同現象,長期照護需求大幅增加,多數國家皆積椏推動長期照顧服務。我國自1980年開始制訂老人福利及殘障失能照顧相關法規,但至1990 年代才國快速成長的長期照護需求而促使政府相關政策的推動,一直到2006 年9 月方通過大溫暖社會福利套案,將「建構長期照顧體象十年計畫」列為旗艦計畫,訂定了「建構完整之我國長期照顧體系,保障身心功能障礙者能獲得迫切的服務,增進獨立生活能力,提升生活品質,以維持尊嚴與自主」之基本目標。本文即在描述我國老人長期照顧服務體系的發展歷程與配合長期照顧服務體系的建構,本校創立老人護理暨管理學系的願景與規劃。期望能吸引有志投身老人照顧管理者前來就讀,更重要的,期望可滿足目前我國椎動長期照顧十年計畫中對照顧管理專員與督導人才培育的殷切需求。Responding to the fast growing elderly population, almost every country has been working on constructing the comprehensive long-term care system around the world. However, the government of Taiwan has not been implemented any elder and disable welfare until 1980. Following the worldwide movement, the Executive Yuan has started to plan and implement the long-term care policies and set up management centers in each county since 1998. Not until September of 2006, the “10 Years Plan for Constructing Long-Term Care System' fmally got proposed, and its major aim was to construct a comprehensive long-term care system to promote disables' ability to live independently and to enhence their dignity and quality of life. In order to reach this goal, more qualified care managers were needed, and the School of Geriatric Nursing and Care Management in Taipei Medical University was established. The purpose of this paper was to describe the development of Long-Term Care system in Taiwan and the need for more qualified long-term care manpower. Further, the philosophy and blueprint of this school was introduced in order to attract more interested potential students and to fulfill the great labor need for care manager in the near future. |