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Accuracy and Re1ated Factors of Emergency Management in Hospitalized Scald Burn Patients and Their Helpers
作者 沈金春蔡來蔭 (Lai-Yin Tsai)葉淑惠 (Shu-Hui Yeh)陳添興
臨床發現病人於社區發生燙傷時,未立即進行30分鐘以上的沖水處理,常導致傷口傷害的程度轉為更嚴重而須住院治療。因此,本研究的目的為探討住院燙傷成人及燙傷兒童之施救者於社區環境內發生燙傷事件時,執行燙傷處理之第一步驟-「沖水」急救行為之正確性及其相關因素,以南部某醫學中心燙傷病房及燙傷加護單位的成年病人和兒童發生燙傷當時之施救者為研究對象,採用結構式問卷進行資料收集,共訪問249人。研究結果顯示受訪者能執行燙傷急救第一步驟-「沖水」,有185人(743%),其中卻僅有9.19%符合標準沖水時問大於30分鐘;「沖水」時問少於10分鐘有153人(82.7%),當中有83人(49.40%)表示「急著要去醫院」。受訪者的籍貫、教育程度、家庭收入及處理燙傷經驗在是否執行「沖水」的比率有統計上顯著的差異。建議包括對未來社區燙傷預防與處理之重點,及燙傷衛生教育政策參考方向。Most patients in burn units with severe wounds and damage suffered these injuries as a result of delayed management of 30 minutes of flushing with cold water. The aim of this study was to explore the accuracy and the related factors of emergency management in scald burn injury; especially the first step of flushing 30 minutes with cold water. For this study, 249 hospitalized adult scald patients and helpers currently assisting child patients were recruited to fill out the structural questionnaires. One hundred and eighty-five participants (74.3%) attempted to flush when they did the scald disposal. One hundred and fifty-three (82.7%) of these 185 participants flushed themselves or children less than 10 minutes. Eighty-three participants (49.4%) were immediately rushed to the hospital for help. Results indicated that the victims did not receive a complete 30 minutes of flushing. There were significant differences in proportions among participant hometown, prior experience with scald burn management, annual income, and educational levels and compliance with the first step of flushing with cold water. Only 9.19% participants were able to follow the standard flushing time (more than 30 minutes). The dissemination of information about the adequate flushing time is absolutely essential for community education to enhance scald burn prevention and disposal.
起訖頁 35-48
關鍵詞 燙傷緊急處理正確性Scald burnEmergency managementAccuracy
刊名 新臺北護理期刊  
期數 200708 (9:2期)
出版單位 臺北醫學大學
該期刊-上一篇 青少年早期社會關係與其心理健康、偏差行為、快樂感相關性之探討
該期刊-下一篇 急性兒科病人家屬住院壓力之改善專案




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