中文摘要 |
本研究為一相關性、描述性研究。目的在探討頭部外傷患者住院時及出院後一個月,家屬照顧者之壓力源及因應方式。研究以立意取樣法選取 20 位頭部外傷病患及其家屬,以參閱病歷、觀察、會談、及自設的「家屬壓力量表」及「因應量之」,分別於病患出院前及出院後一個月對家屬照顧者進行訪談。結果顯示家屬照顧者於病患出院一個月後來自病患身體症狀、認知功能損傷及照顧的知識能力三項壓力源顯著下降。家屬照顧者採用的因應項目數和頻率,並未因病患出院後壓力降低而有明顯改變。病患住院時來自家庭功能衝擊的壓力,是家屬照顧者採用因應項目數和頻率的最佳預測變項。而來自照顧病患知識和能力的壓力,是病患出院後最能預測家屬照顧者採用因應項目數的最佳預測變項。The purpose of this study was to examine the stressors and coping offamily caregivers before and after the discharge of head injury patients. Thisis a correlational and descriptive study. Twenty head injury patients and theirfamily caregivers were selected by purposive sampling. The data were collectedby means of chart review, observation, and interview. Two instruments, theCaregiver Stressor Survey and the Caregiver Coping Inventory, developed by theinvestigator, were used to measure caregivers' stressors and coping strategiesbefore and one month after patients' discharge. The results demonstrated thatthree stressors, which resulted from the patient's physical symptoms, theimpairment of patients' cognitive function, and knowledge deficit related topatient care, decreased significantly one month after patients' discharge.However, neither the number or frequency of coping strategies used bycaregivers changed significantly after patients' discharge. The stressor relatedto impact of family function was a significant predictor of both the number andfrequency of coping strategies used by family caregivers before patients'discharge. The other stressor, related to knowledge and skills of patient care, was a significant predictor in the number of coping strategies used by familycaregivers after patients' discharge. |