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Network Society and National Sovereignty
作者 葉人華 (Ren-Hua Ye)
資訊社會的發生,透過網際網路,改變了人們的生活形態。21世紀資訊科技發展中,網際網路對人類社會制度與組織所展現帶動變遷的威力,是前所未見的。國家主權的界定,也在此一資訊世界中有所變動。在中東就有一群年青人,透過網際網路,在全球最大的社群網站臉書(Facebook)上傳達革命的訊息,他們用簡單的口號、歌曲匯集群眾力量,先後推翻了突尼西亞、埃及的獨裁政權,這使得其他獨裁的國家感覺充滿了危機和威脅,網路社會與國家主權的議題已正式躍上檯面。本文將就資訊社會中,由於網際網路的形成,對人類日常互動模式的改變,尤其是在公私部門交互影響下的政治、經濟、法律等的互動形式,就其對國家主權的影響加以說明。並就主權的概念性爭議,以及影響主權的因素,做進一步的分析與釐清。The formation of info-tech society has changed people's life style by internet. Changes were brought by the power of the Internet evolution in 21st century. These changes to the human society and hierarchy are unprecedented. The definition of supremacy also varies within this info-tech world. In the Middle East, there is a group of young people who used Internet through Facebook, the biggest social network in the world, to convey revolutionary information. They used simple slogans and songs to gather people's power together in order to demolish the monocracy of Tunisia and Egypt. Because of this, the monocracies of other countries now feel threatened. The issues of network society and country's supremacy have officially been brought to everyone's attention. This research will discuss the changes brought by info-tech society onto people's life form through Internet, which actually interrupted the supremacy of a country, and affected politics, economy, and laws because of the public and private's departments. Finally, it will also have a further discussion and analysis of the conceptual dispute and the influential reasons of supremacy.
起訖頁 299-315
關鍵詞 網際網路主權社群網站InternetSovereigntySocial network
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 201106 (8期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 影響英語聽力的焦慮因素
該期刊-下一篇 影響台商對東南亞直接投資之因素研究:引力模型之分析




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