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A Study for Reading Habits of Students by Reading Modern Poetry Program in Fooyin University
作者 陳淑滿鄭茂男曹純瓊
本研究旨在探討以《耕讀》書中所列的現代詩集為範疇的閱讀經驗,藉以了解輔英科技大學學生的閱讀習慣。本研究採問卷調查設計,研究工具為自編的「輔英學生對現代詩之閱讀習慣探討-以閱讀《耕讀》現代詩集為範疇」之問卷,透過三位研究者蒐集各領域與各學制的閱讀習慣調查問卷,並諮詢多位大學教授的意見修改,進行問卷調查。所得資料以統計上次數及圓餅圖進行分析。樣本取自輔英科大大學部581名學生及專科部616名學生進行問卷調查。研究結果:(一)發現大多數的學生閱讀習慣不佳,普遍沒有主動閱讀的習慣。(二)縱使專科部的學生是有系統地推展閱讀運動,而大學部的學生則是採取自由式閱讀,但兩種屬性不同的學生(大學部與專科部)對現代詩的閱讀狀況,包含閱讀的時間多寡、接觸的書籍、喜好的作家、閱讀的管道、偏好的題材等,經比較、分析後差異性並不太大。(三)而學生因為課程需要、打發時間的因素而閱讀的比例居高,以致這些閱讀無法深入的產生啟迪或影響。基於問卷呈現之結果,提出改進問題之方法,包含成立班級讀書會、閱讀現代詩有關網站、以及選定主題性的詩篇閱讀等,藉以提升閱讀現代詩之興趣。並且對於未來的研究方向,也有所啟發,如運用網路科技辦理線上讀書會、利用校園網站的架設,將現代詩與科技相結合,了解學生的閱讀習慣,架構於此基礎上,文學閱讀的推動方能事半功倍。The main purpose of this research was to discuss the reading habits of students by reading modern poetry program. College students in Fooyin University, Kaohsiung are the subjects of this study. Through an understanding of their use of the library or online experiences and reading habits of the reading modern poetry to analysis the relationship. Depend on this, we could know how the subjects experiences of reading modern poetry effect their reading habits. Research is used a paper survey by the stratified random sampling in the Fooyin University school to collect data in this study, and recycled a total of 1197 valid questionnaires to the number of distribution and pie-chart for data analysis. Conclusions of this study: First of all, the reading habits of the college students are not so well, it is difficult to upgrade their reading motivation .Secondly, there are not different motives between both groups related to the demographic variables and the reading experiences, including the time used for reading, the categories of reading material, their preferred author, the sources of reading data, and the topics they chose. Third, the students read poetry just for the reasons of (1) the curriculum demand;(2) whiling away their time. That is why the reading program can not have a great impact on students. Contribution of this study is to research the reading habits of students by reading modern poetry program that no one has ever study on the past. I hope that the results of this study can be used as the relevant educational institutions to enhance a reading culture and student's reading habits of reference. Based on the conclusions, the study makes the following recommendations: Teachers could increase some subject information of knowledge to satisfy student personal enrichment's purpose. And also teachers conduct with students about learning subjects, so as to facilitate the implementation of reading purpose. Finally, students expand the links point to reading books. About relevant educational units, they could hold reading club online, let college students can exchange ideas and then enhance their reading habits; they also could encourage students to increase practical experience to stimulate their reading behavior.
起訖頁 203-225
關鍵詞 現代詩閱讀習慣調查分析Modern poetryReading habitsResearch and analysis
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 201106 (8期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 論國民黨改組派與中原大戰
該期刊-下一篇 梅堯臣詩歌的創作旨趣




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