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Discussion on Kuomintang Reorganization Society and Central Plains War
作者 張順良
1930年,蔣中正在黨內頭號勁敵—「改組派」,為了與蔣中正進行權力爭奪的殊死戰,「改組派」領袖陳公博等人,風塵僕僕往返於天津、北平、太原、開封、瀋陽五大軍權中心,成功遊說閻錫山出任反蔣聯盟的盟主,掌握軍政大權,馮玉祥屈居軍權的二把手,「改組派」則在黨權方面擁有優勢地位,從而爆發國民黨創黨以來最大規模的文武鬥—「中原大戰」,「擁蔣」與「反蔣」雙方各據半壁江山,形成勢均力敵的局面。雙方為了打破僵局,競相遣派要員,敦促具舉足輕重的張學良加入己方陣營,藉以瓦解對方的勢力,在這方面「改組派」的功能反而成為阻礙,因為張學良對「改組派」領袖汪精衛、陳公博等人,過去容共的歷史,疑慮甚深,遲遲不願加入反蔣聯盟,最後甚至表態挺蔣,出兵關內,反蔣軍士氣為之渙散,使「改組派」策動的反蔣軍事行動,功敗垂成,無復再有左右大局的實力,淪為配角的地位,蔣中正從此睥睨群雄,掌握黨政軍實權。In 1930, the 'Reorganization Society' of Kuomintang (KMT), also the strongest opponent of Chiang Chung-Cheng within the party, intended to initiate a desperate war of power struggle with Chiang Chung-Cheng. The leaders of 'Reorganization Society,' including Chen Kung-Po and others, were busy at traveling around the five major military power centers in Tianjin, Beiping, Taiyuan, Kaifeng and Shenyang. At last they successfully persuaded Yen Hsi-Shan to take up the post of the leader of Anti-Chiang Alliance and control the important political and military power. And Feng Yu-Xiang reluctantly accepted the post of the second commander of military power. Gradually, 'Reorganization Society' was at dominant position in KMT and grasped great power in the party. Then there was the outbreak of the greatest civil-military fight within KMT ever since its establishment - 'Central Plain War.' Half of KMT members were supporters of Chiang Chung-Cheng, and the other half were opponents of Chiang, with both sides being of equal strength. In order to break the deadlock, both sides sent their important representatives respectively to urge the decisive role of KMT, Chang Hsueh-Liang to join their side and collapse the power of the other side. But at this point, 'Reorganization Society' turned out to be an obstruction because Chang Hsueh-Liang deeply doubted the Society's act in accommodating the Communist Party in the past, as done by the Society's leaders like Wang Ching-Wei and Chen Kung-Po. Chang Hsueh-Liang delayed his declaration of his stand, and did not join Anti-Chiang Alliance. Finally, he even expressed his support for Chiang Chung-Cheng, and sent troops to the west of Shanhaiguan. As a result, the morale of anti-Chiang troops declined, making the anti-Chiang military action instigated by 'Reorganization Society' suffer defeat on the verge of success, and have no strength to influence the whole situation anymore. 'Reorganization Society' was thus reduced to be a minor role in the party. From then on, Chiang Chung-Cheng showed condescending to other heroes of the party, and controlled solid political and military power of the party.
起訖頁 181-202
關鍵詞 改組派中原大戰汪精衛閻錫山The KuomintangReorganization SocietyCentral Plains WarWang JingweiYan Si-shan
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 201106 (8期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 台灣偶戲藝術鑑賞課程設計與運用
該期刊-下一篇 輔英學生對現代詩之閱讀習慣探討--以閱讀「耕讀」現代詩集為範疇




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