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The Study of Teng Yu-Hsien Song 'Fan Club Girl'
作者 蔡添進
"「十八的姑娘一朵花一朵花,眉毛彎彎眼睛大眼睛大」這首人人可以朗朗上口的歌曲,它的歌名常被很多人誤稱為〈十八姑娘一朵花〉,其實它正確的歌名是〈姑娘十八一朵花〉。而這首歌的旋律,也很少人知道是來自鄧雨賢晚期以日文所寫的歌曲〈蕃社の娘〉。此歌歷經七十多年的流通傳唱,歷久彌新,除了原曲的日文〈蕃社の娘〉及當年傳唱的華語〈姑娘十八一朵花〉、閩南語的〈十八姑娘〉外,還有粵語、潮州語、客語甚至英文版在華人世界出現傳唱。從原曲〈蕃社の娘〉所唱的旋律,到各種流通傳唱的不同歌曲版本,歌曲旋律有時也隨之改變。本文旨在對此歌在各地流通、傳唱的情形加以探究,也對歌曲傳唱時旋律樣貌的改變加以比較。'A girl at 18 is like a flower, curved eyebrows, big eyes…..' is a song that is sung by most of the Chinese. It is often mistakenly called 'shih pa ku niang i to hua', in fact, its name is 'ku niang shih pa i to hua'. This song's melody is written by Teng Yu-hsien and is named<Fan Club Girl(<蕃社の娘>in Japanese)'. For over 70 years, in addition to the original Japanese version, the most popular Chinese version 'ku niang shih pa ito hua', and Taiwanese's<18 Years Old Girl>,and Cantonese, Chiu Chow and Hakka, and even English version are sung in the Chinese world. From the original songs melody to a variety of different versions, song melodies sometimes are altered over the years. In this paper, we study how the song is sung in the Chinese world and how the melody is being altered. Also presented is the comparison of the different melodies."
起訖頁 327-395
關鍵詞 鄧雨賢蕃社の娘黃昏愁姑娘十八一朵花十八姑娘Teng Yu-hsienFan club girlTwilight melancholyKu niang shih pa i to hua18 years old girl
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 201006 (7期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 論國民黨改組派在華南、華中的地方組織




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