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Analysis of Weber's Methodology from the ”Value Neutral”
作者 葉人華 (Ren-Hua Ye)
多年以來,「價值中立」(value-free)一直是社會科學研究者爭論不已的議題,它的意含涉及價值語句的認知意義、價值語句的推論方式、經驗研究免除價值判斷、價值觀念或系統的經驗分析等層面,從而引發了兩種議題:社會科學研究能夠價值中立嗎?社會科學研究應該價值中立嗎?前者是事實判斷的問題,後者則為價值判斷的問題,學界為此曾有激烈的爭論,實證論者(positivism)為使社會科學合乎自然科學式的科學標準而主張價值中立,將價值中立視為經驗研究的必要條件的行為論者(behavioralism),認為社會科學研究能夠價值中立,並且應該成為價值中立。後行為論者(post-behavioralism)則以為社會科學永不能成為價值中立,反行為論者(anti-behavioralism)則認為缺乏價值判斷,便無法研究社會現象,因而社會科學不能且不應成為價值中立。在社會科學的討論中,「價值」一直是一個重要的概念,許多科學家都以排除主觀的價值為科學成立的前提,由於這個問題具有相當大的爭議性,而韋伯(Max Weber)所主張的「價值中立」也經常的被引用,故本文從韋伯對價值中立的主張為起點,首先澄清韋伯與實證論所主張之「價值中立」的不同,進而論述價值中立之可能性,並企圖尋求合理的概念,使「價值中立」在社會科學的研究中具有實質的意義。'Value Free' has been one of the subjects for discussion for social sciences for many years. It involves the cognition significance of the value, the way of deduction of the value, the judgment of avoiding empirical, the concept of the value or system's empirical analysis. Thus, it has initiated two subjects: Is the social sciences research able to be value free? Should the social sciences research be value free? The former is the fact judgment and the latter is the value judgment. The academic field once had the intense argument. Positivism is causes the social sciences to conform with the natural sciences-like scientific standard to advocate the value free. Behaviorism regards the empirical research as an essential condition and thinks the social sciences research is able to be value free, and should become value free. Post-behaviorism thinks the social sciences can be never become value free. Anti-behaviorism thinks that lacks of the value judgment is unable to research the social phenomenon, thus the social sciences cannot and should not become value free. In social sciences' discussion, 'the value' has been an important concept. Many scientists take remove the subject value as the science tenable premise and this subject has been quite a big controversy. Max Weber advocated 'Value Free' frequent is also quoted. Therefore, this article starts from the view of value free from Max Weber. First, it will clarify the different view between Max Weber and the positivism. Then, discuss the possibility of value free. Finally, this article will attempt to seek the reasonable concept and enable 'value free' to have the substantive significance in the social sciences research.
起訖頁 341-355
關鍵詞 韋伯價值價值中立實証論行為論Max WeberValueValue freePositivismBehaviorism
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 200906 (6期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 多元文化教育改革之省思




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