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The Study of Today's Multicultural Education
作者 張美瑤
本文旨在經由多元文化教育之定義與目標,探討現今多元文化教育改革之現況,透過此探討瞭解現今學校在多元文化教育的落實上所遭遇之困難並提出建議,使教育相關單位在進行教育改革時,能真正落實多元文化教育之真意,打破傳統課程的侷限,協助學生與教師跨越學科的障礙,體驗多元文化的豐富資源,並透過對多元文化教育的瞭解,達到尊重差異之目的。於此,以美國多元文化教育學者Sonia Nieto(2000)對多元文化教育之定義與Banks的三種改革途徑為理論基礎,對現今教育改革中多元文化教育實施現況進行評析,主要為:單獨設科之課程設計難以落實多元文化教育、課程內容範圍窄化、宗教差異未受重視、文化差異和缺陷定義模糊、多元和同化之界限難以界定等。基於以上問題,說明具體建議為:將多元文化教育融入學習領域、激發弱勢族群之自覺、型塑多元包容的學校文化等,使學生能學習珍惜自身文化並能欣賞並其他文化,以達到多元文化教育之目標。The study aims to explore the reformation of today's multicultural education on the basis of its definitions and goals, and then make further recommendations for the difficulties existing in current schooling, so that the related educational organizations could help teachers and students to overcome and respect the gap between their perceptions and practice of multicultural education, and to experience the copious sources of multiculturalism and to break the limit of traditional curriculum in Taiwan. Thus, the study uses Sonia Nieto (2000) whose special concentrations in multicultural and bilingual education and Banks as the theory basis to analyze the practice of current multicultural education, mainly: the difficulties to carry out individual designed curriculums, the narrowness of course contents, religious differences are not being valued, and the failing of defining cultural differences and drawbacks, and the vague definition between multiplelization and simulation. Based on the aforementioned, the study makes comments on: how to integrate multicultural education into academic field, to arouse the consciousness of proliferation of minorities, to package multiple-tolerance of school culture, so that students can learn to treasure their own culture and appreciate other cultures and to achieve the goal of multicultural education.
起訖頁 321-339
關鍵詞 多元文化教育教育改革弱勢族群Multicultural educationEducational reformationProliferation of minorities
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 200906 (6期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 德布西音樂中傳統要素之探討
該期刊-下一篇 方法論上的「價值中立」論淺析




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