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The Contirbution of Lin Tse-hsu to China's Modernization
作者 林鳳㛇
鴉片戰爭開了中國三千年未有之變局,自此以後,西方挾著船堅砲利,逐漸將中國捲入國際外交、貿易體系中,中國為了救亡圖存,展開一連串學習洋務的自強措施。在這歷史遽變的轉捩點,林則徐不僅恭逢其會,並且成為關鍵角色,在這個事件中,林則徐超越傳統知識份子的格局,由治事之能臣,逐漸將視野轉向對外事務,提出超越時人的因應之道,這些警語雖未驚醒尚陶醉於天朝上國舊觀念的人心,但他洞燭機先的言行,使他成為少數具備近代觀的先行者。本文試由其略歷、興利除弊,改革內政、禁煙、翻譯外國書報、師夷長技、民主政制的介紹、洞燭俄禍等方面來介紹其人,並論述其在近代中國所扮演的角色、貢獻,及其所代表的時代意義。The Opium War (1840-1842) had initiated the unprecedented revolution in China three thousand years ago. After the Opium War, the west hold formidable and fortifiable military forces to embroil China in the international and diplomatic incidents gradually. Hence, China launches a succession of studies and measures to improving oneself of the foreign affair in order to salvage China from the violent invasion. Lin Tse-hsu can be regarded as the land mark altered into the modern social transition from the traditional society. Consequently, Lin Tse-hsu is just the primary personage of the Opium War. He not merely transcended the pattern of the conventional intelligentsias but had transformed his devotion from domestic affairs to foreign affairs to propose tremendously brilliant solutions. However, it can not caution the Chin dynasty which still intoxicated in its outdated concept. In addition to his foresight had made Lin Tse-hsu as a pioneer in his time. This thesis tries to express his experience generally, promoting what was beneficial and abolishing what was harmful, reforming the internal affairs, determining to ban on opium-smoking, translating the western books and periodicals, following foreigners' specialty & technology, instructing democratic political system, preconceiving Russia's invasion to introduce him. Also discuss about the role he took and the achievement he contributed to China's modernization.
起訖頁 321-346
關鍵詞 林則徐禁煙鴉片戰爭Lin Tse-hsuBan on opium-smokingOpium War
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 200806 (5期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 研編通識教材與教學評量工具之研究:以「地球環境與永續發展」科目為例




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