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Russian Language Status in Central Asia during the Soviet Era
作者 王琦
This paper focuses on the status of the Russian language in Soviet Central Asia on the eve of the dissolution. In Central Asian republics, the language of the main ethnic groups and Russian are official public languages. However, the titular national languages were the popular languages in Central Asia. The prospect of a radical shift in the ethnic composition of the Soviet Union has no doubt caused the Soviet leadership to consider what effect this may have on inter-nationality relations. It is within this context that Soviet authorities had promoted a policy of 'bilingualism' which in essence meant that non-Russians were encouraged to learn Russian. Under pressure to learn Russian, the primary concern of most Central Asian intellectuals has nevertheless been to improve their own nationality language education, in order to preserve and enrich their culture. As we have seen from census data in Central Asia, monolingualism is still the norm. This indicates a very strong consolidation and weak integration so far. Thus, for Central Asians that have a strong sense of cultural pride or distinction from Russians, bilingualism is simply a way station on the road to assimilation is probably outdated for them. Rather, bilingualism seems to have become a compromise between the assimilation of non-Russians into the ethnic Russians culture and the maintenance of isolated non-Russian identities. 解體前的蘇聯是一個多民族組成的國家,是故民族問題的處理,乃是蘇聯政府對內施政的重點。其中語言政策,可說是民族政策最重要的指標之一。因此,在蘇聯解體前,蘇聯及西方學者即非常關注,前蘇聯政府在非俄羅斯人為主的地區,所推行加強學習俄語的「雙語運動」。學者們探討該運動的重點包括:一、在該運動推展下,非俄羅斯人的俄羅斯化程度;二、非俄羅斯人融入俄羅斯社會的可能性。承上所述,本文主要探討蘇聯在解體前二十年來(一九七○至八○年代),俄政府在中亞地區,所推行加強學習俄語的雙語運動,以及在該運動推行之下,俄語文在中亞地區的地位變易情形。在蘇聯解體前的中亞,俄語及當地主要民族語言為官方語言,然而事實上,當地主要民族語言為當地居民的通用語。有鑒於俄羅斯人口佔全蘇聯總人口比重日趨下降,乃迫使蘇聯政府在中亞推行一系列加強學習俄語的雙語運動,希冀藉由俄語的學習,在語言上同化當地族群,轉而加強對蘇聯的認同。在面對加強學習俄語的雙語運動壓力下,中亞當地民族主義者,乃採取因應措施,以便保護自己民族的語言及文化。一九八九年終於導致中亞五共和國先後經由立法,將當地主要民族語言定位為惟一的「國語」,而俄語被定位為民族間的溝通語言。中亞當地居民是對伊斯蘭教文化認同非常強的族群,蘇聯政府在當地推展加強學習俄語的雙語運動終歸失敗。簡言之,雙語運動的實施,是蘇聯政府在中亞地區推行俄羅斯化和維持當地族群認同蘇聯之間一項妥協的策略。
起訖頁 49-71
關鍵詞 前蘇聯中亞俄語文雙語運動語言同化The Former Soviet-UnionCentral AsiaRussian languageBilingualism campaignLinguistic assimilation
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 200806 (5期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 比較歷版國防白皮書來解析2006年版中共國防白皮書
該期刊-下一篇 高雄市成人社區公共事務參與態度與公民素養關係之研究




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