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An Analysis of China's National Defense Report in 2006 - by Assessing the Previous Editions of Defense White Paper
作者 王安國林淑惠 (Shu-Hui Lin)
中共國務院新聞辦公室在2006年12月29日,發布2006年國防白皮書,此為1998年以來第5本國防白皮書。為進一步瞭解並剖析2006年版中共國防白皮書,同時對前4版國防白皮書有全般性之認識,本文採用比較分析的研究方法,試從中共歷版國防白皮書的內容與思維邏輯,臚列並演繹國際社會與國內學界所關心之中共國防政策與威脅,中共對台政策與作為等議題為使能以宏觀的視野,逐一探討與評析。整體而言,2006年版國防白皮書雖較前透明,但在軍事編裝、國防支出等敘述仍不夠明確,還是難以消弭周邊國家對其大國崛起後所產生之軍事威脅及疑慮。The Information Office of China's State Council published the China's National Defense in 2006, the fifth of its kind since 1998, on Dec. 29, 2006. In order to understand and analyze the defense white paper further, also to get an overall understanding of the four previous editions, this article intends to make comparative analyses of the defense white papers, and by cross-examining the main contents and thinking logic, hopefully to induce the trend of China's defense policy and the potential threat China imposes on Taiwan based on broad scope of view. Overall assessing, although the white paper is relatively transparent in 2006, it still leaves many questions about force composition and military spending unanswered, thus difficult to eradicate the doubts of 'China's rising as a threat' by the surrounding countries.
起訖頁 31-47
關鍵詞 國防白皮書國防政策中國特色軍事變革共軍National Defense ReportDefense policyChina's characterized military reformPLAThe Chinese People's Liberation of Army
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 200806 (5期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 「滄浪詩話」中的詩禪觀
該期刊-下一篇 俄語文在前蘇聯中亞的地位




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