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University Enrollment Expansion in Mainland China
作者 林淑惠 (Shu-Hui Lin)
中國大陸自1999年開始推動高校擴大招生政策,迄2005年中國大陸高校在校生已突破2000萬人,規模為全世界之最。中國大陸推動高校擴大招生政策的目的,主要在因應經濟全球化的市場需求,附加效益包括加速「教育產業化」及「人才戰略工程」之推展,此一政策中國大陸認為是提昇全球競爭力及綜合國力之利器。本研究結論顯示,中國大陸高校擴招政策未盡周延,產生諸多問題且未達預期成效,目前大陸當局雖已採取相關因應之補救措施,諸如,已決定放緩擴招速度、設法提高畢業生就業率、將高教重心轉變到「質量並重」,惟短期內將難收其效。Since 1999 Mainland China has expanded the enrollment of universities nationwide. There have already topped 20 million students up to 2005,which ranked the largest scale in the world. The goal of the enrollment expansion police is focused on dealing with the increasing market demand of human resource in the globalized economy. In addition, the PRC government wishes to accelerate the 'Industrialization of Education System' and the 'Talent Strategic Project', both of which are considered most critical importance to enhance China's global competitiveness and overall national strength. However this research shows that there have been a great deal of problems occurred after implementation. The fundamental conflict in the social-economic structure force the government to review the enrollment expansion policy and adopt the adjustment measures. Right now PRC government has decided to slow down the expansion, improve the employment rate of graduates and regard quality as equally important as quantity in the educational system. The overall effect will not to be success in the short-time.
起訖頁 63-79
關鍵詞 擴大招生教育產業化人才戰略University enrollment expansionIndustrialization of education systemTalent strategic project
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 200606 (3期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 清季自強運動興起的一項動力--論龔自珍的經世思想
該期刊-下一篇 清季自強運動興起的一項動力--論龔自珍的經世思想




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