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A Motive of the Self-Strengthening Movement Emerging in Late Ch'ing China - Issuing the Theory of Statecraft of Kung Tzu-Chen
作者 林鳳㛇
承乾隆後期的廢弛,嘉慶、道光年間,經濟、社會問題叢生,土林風氣轉變,開始扭脫繁瑣考據的漢常和空談性理的宋學,轉向經世致用。龔自珍自為經世派重要的代表人物之一,他以形象、生動、尖銳的文字描畫和揭露時代的弊端,進而提出許多具體的改革之道,不僅風靡於當時,並影響及於整個晚清之世。本文試由其家世與思想個性、針砭時弊、倡導變革、經濟思想與關懷民主及邊疆與夷務等方面,來論述他經世思想形成的背景與內容。期藉此一論文,除讓人對龔自珍之經世思想有更清楚的了解外,同樣亦能對二十世紀中期若干中外學者對清季自強運動興起之動力,侷限於主要是受外力衝擊所引起之反應的解釋,予以有力的修正,並且可以清楚的看出,中國在受西方壓迫和激以前,就確有一些目光犀利,並具有卓與遠見的知識分子,憑藉著他們自己的智慧與傳統的「經世致用」精神,為國家的振衰起弊,圖謀富強而努力,亦已形成自強運動興起的一項動力。As the neglecting tradition inherited form the late Ch'ien-Lung, the sovereign descent rapidly, during the period of the two Emperors Chia-Ch'ing and Tao-Kuang, no matter in the economic or social aspect. As a result, the tone of academic thoughts began to flow in a distinct way, scholars were trying to get rid of the rigmarole sinology and the doctrinaire Sung', and converting to pragmatic statecraft. Kung Tzu-Chen was one of the most representatives among the statecraft. His significant style in writing, figural, active and critic, along with unveiling the social malady in his works, forwa4ding a lot of substantial reforming means to the sovereign, utterly initiated the contemporary politic. But also widespread the atmosphere at that time and the whole coming Ch'ing Dynasty. This thesis is trying to state the background and content that formed his theory of statecraft, basing on his descent, theory, characteristics, criticizing social malady, launching for reforming, economic theory and consideration of subsistence as well as borders, aboriginal affairs etc. I am looking forward to, through the effect of this thesis, people can not merely understand more clearly than before about the theory of statecraft of Kung Tzu-Chen, but also be also to change their mind that the motive of the Self-Strengthening Movement in Late Ch'ing China's emerging, comprehended by some of the local as well as foreign scholars during the middle twentieth century, was simply a reaction due to the impact of the external effect. Furthermore, there were sharpness., visionary, and intellectuals by means of their gifted wisdom, counting on the spirit of 'pragmatic Statecraft' has been striving for their country resurrection. In addition, the theory of theirs affected severely the late Ch'ing's scholarship so that late Ch'ing's scholarship so the made it drastically relate to the birth to The Self-Strengthening Movement in late Ch'ing China. Besides, it also approved that the traditional theory of statecraft of China is one of the motives of the Self Strengthening Movement in late Ch'ing China.
起訖頁 109-135
關鍵詞 自強運動龔自珍經世思想Self-strengthening movementKung Tzu-chenThe theory of statecraft
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 200606 (3期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 中國大陸高校擴招問題初探
該期刊-下一篇 中國大陸高校擴招問題初探




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