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The Relationship between the Motivation, Course Book and English Learning for College Freshman at Cheng Shiu University
作者 周美智
Motivation is defined as the learner's orientation with regard to the goal of learning a second language. It influences how and why people learn as well as how they perform (Pintrich, Smith, 1996). Attitude is a complex theoretical construct. According to Dorynei (1994), it is used to explain the direction and persistence of human behavior and defined as 'an evaluative reaction to some referent or attitude object, inferred on the basis of the individual's beliefs or opinions about the referent'. Integrative motivation is characterized by the learner's positive attitudes towards the target language group and the desire to integrate into the target language community. Instrumental motivation underlies the goal to gain some social or economic reward through L2 achievement; therefore, it refers to a more functional reason for language learning. Herdrickson (1997) indicates that motivation and attitude were the best predictors of students' grade point average. Green (1993) points that it is important that learner preferences and opinions for EFL classroom material are investigated, and teachers do not rely solely on intuition and experience when selecting materials. This study aims to explore the existence and influence of the instrumental motivation and integrative motivation for students at Cheng-Shiu University. Besides, the students' attitudes toward their learning material are also studied. The results of the survey provide a variety of strategies and methods that teachers can employ in EFL class to motivate their students in EFL classroom.動機,是學生關於學習英語的目標和方向。表現為學生積極的學習態度和融入英語國家社會的強烈願望;實用性動機的英語學習,是為了實現某種社會的、經濟的目的而進行的學習,因此具有更強的功能性;本研究旨在探討整合性動機與實用性動機在正修科技大學四技一年級新生英文學習中扮演的腳色。此外,本論文亦探討英語教材的選擇學生是否應參與其中?在教材決策的過程中教師是否應先了解學生英語學習動機、興趣,在選擇適當教材以激發學生學習動機。文章中介紹了一些激勵學生學習的方法和策略供英語教師參考。
起訖頁 41-61
關鍵詞 動機整合性動機實用性動機教材學習目標MotivationIntegrative motivationInstrumental motivationCourse bookGoals
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 200606 (3期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 我國朝內閣制憲改可行方案之解析
該期刊-下一篇 清季自強運動興起的一項動力--論龔自珍的經世思想




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