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Ponder the Development of Taiwan Cultural Tourism from the Experience of World Cultural Heritage Tourism
作者 張淑娟
隨著社會經濟的成長和教育程度的提昇,國人對於出國旅遊和國內旅遊的要求和方式日趨深度和多元。受到聯合國教科文組織保護與各國政府重視的世界遺產,一九八○年代後逐漸在國際旅遊市場上,掀起一股探索歷史文化與藝術美學的遺產觀光潮流。二○○○年後的臺灣,也開始興起遺產觀光的熱潮。世界文化遺產觀光對國人而言,是否有激發對於文化問題或國內文化觀光發展的一些想法。基於這樣的研究動機,本研究採取質性研究的方式,閱覽相關書籍和部落格,並訪談了九位喜愛世界文化遺產的旅人。本文彙整相關質性研究資料,以對文化遺產的認知、啟動文化問題思考和延伸對文化觀光思考等三個議題加以詮釋論述研究發現,最後,綜合提出教育紮根、多樣在地保存及深度永續經營等三項建議。Along with social and economic growth and raise of education standard, the requirement and mode of traveling at home and abroad have gradually evoked the needs for depth and diversity. After 1980, the UNESCO protection policy working with many national governments' serious efforts contribute to a trend of world heritage traveling in the international tourism market that target at exploring the historic culture and artistic esthetics. Until 2000, many people in Taiwan started to join in this trend. Whether the world cultural heritage tourism could further stimulate more ideas about the development of Taiwan cultural tourism or cultural issues is our major concern. Based on such research motivation, this paper adopts the qualitative research methods to study related books and blogs as well as interview nine travelers fond of world heritages about their traveling experiences and suggestions for Taiwan cultural tourism development. This research tries to interpret and elaborate qualitative research findings from three perspectives: the cognition of cultural heritage, the deliberation of cultural questions and the extended reflection of cultural tourism. Finally, three suggestions have been concluded as the requirements for rooted education, diversity of domestic preservation and the depth of sustainable management.
起訖頁 101-126
關鍵詞 世界文化遺產遺產觀光遺產觀光經驗文化觀光World cultural heritageHeritage tourismHeritage tourism experienceCultural tourism
刊名 文資學報  
期數 201112 (6期)
出版單位 國立臺北藝術大學文化資源學院
該期刊-上一篇 美國聖地的形塑與歷史保存的困境:蓋茨堡案例




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