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A Case Study of the Molding Process of an American Pilgrimage and the Plight of Its Historic Preservation: Gettysburg
作者 杜正宇
國家聖地的形塑,必須與歷史事件結合,以提升其價值。一八六三年的蓋茨堡演說,林肯不但成功的打動人心,更引發了美國的文化覺醒,擁抱平等的價值。一旦跨文化之間,能夠透過歷史保存,建立認同。那麼,文化地景與歷史重演,就可以喚醒民眾的記憶,作為凝聚內部團結的方法。此外,蓋茨堡的龐大商機,也導致保存與開發的衝突。國家塔事件帶來的衝擊,造成管理人員僵化。為了避免財團開發,不斷擴張園區,導致民眾生活不便;為了保存歷史,也使園區的自然景觀,過度地凍結封存。反觀民間的歷史保存團體,彈性而多變。協助並創造了蓋茨堡歷史保存的榮景。二○○八年,全新的博物館與遊客中心完工,宣告了蓋茨堡文化旅遊的來臨。可見,歷史保存來自於眾人之力,公部門與民間的合作,更是成功與否的關鍵。倘若管理單位能在發展「國際化」的同時,也能兼顧「在地化」的深耕,當可作為突破保存困境的方法,真正創造出永續經營的效果。For stirring historical values, the formation of a national pilgrimage must be connected with historical event. In his famous Gettysburg Address (1863), Abraham Lincoln had successfully touched the deepest chord of all and made the Gettysburg Awakening for embracing value of equality in America. While cross-culture identity being established by historic preservation, the cultural landscape and historical re-enactment could remind people of the memory so as to appeal for internal unity. The conflict between developers and preservationists was serious due to commercial potentiality. The incident of Gettysburg National Tower made administrators expand boundaries of the park to avoid development by business consortium and take an over frozen- preservation policy which arouses inconvenience of local residents as feeling like living in an isolated island town and heads the natural landscape towards a deadlock for historic preservation reason. For preserving Gettysburg battlefield, another major force is the grassroots efforts from historic preservation nonprofit corporations or civil groups that help facilitate and maintain the prosperity of Gettysburg with more flexibility and creativity. When the new Museum and Visitor Center opened to the public in 2008, it truly symbolized a new stage for Gettysburg's cultural tourism. Thus, key to successful historic preservation depends on cooperative efforts from the government, private sector and the public. If the competent authorities deal with the issues of strengthening internationalization and deepening localization at the same time, it could probably be a way for breaking through the plight of its historic preservation as well as bringing the effectiveness of sustainable development.
起訖頁 61-98
關鍵詞 蓋茨堡國家聖地文化地景林肯歷史保存GettysburgAmerican pilgrimagePatriotismAbraham Lincoln Historic preservation
刊名 文資學報  
期數 201112 (6期)
出版單位 國立臺北藝術大學文化資源學院
該期刊-上一篇 影像的博物館人類學視角與理論意涵
該期刊-下一篇 從世界文化遺產觀光經驗思考臺灣文化觀光的發展




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