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The Policy and Practice of 'Transfer of Development Rights' for the Historic Preservation in Taiwan
作者 林崇傑
本研究將分析容積移轉制度如何在台灣形成,並探討中央政府使用容積移轉的動機,與其政策上的運用。本研究並將以台北市與台北縣政府的實際容積移轉執行經驗為例,探討以容積移轉運用於歷史保存與非歷史保存的差異,以及運用容積移轉以取得公共設施保留地為目的時對歷史保存的影響。相對於中央政府對容積移轉的不同目的訴求,以及台北縣政府以容積移轉運用於公共設施用地的取得之對照分析,本研究將討論台北市如何創設容積移轉制度,以及其分別運用於迪化街地區之歷史保存策略與運用容積移轉於公共設施用地取得時的不同方法,與操作機制。從而,本研究分析中央政府與台北市政府在運用容積移轉的差異,及其執行結果的比較,意即分析容積移轉運用於歷史保全與公共設施用地取得的差異。最後,本研究將依據對台灣的案例經驗分析,以及對國家政策的討論,提出對中央政府容積移轉政策執行的檢討,及提出其應予以改進之建議。同時,本研究具體的提出台灣地區以容積移轉作為歷史保存的策略工具所需之運作模型、及其適用條件,俾以提供台灣地區各地方政府健全容積移轉作為都市歷史保存的策略之建議,與都市計畫體系下之都市保全多元機制之架構。This article analyses how the TDR system was formed in Taiwan, and inquires into Taiwan central government for the origin and the usage of TDR, as well as the use of the policy & practice. This article also compares Taipei City and Taipei County Government's experiences on applying TDR, and studies the differences between those using TDR for preserving historic areas/historic buildings and those using TDR for other purposes. It criticizes TDR for obtaining public lands on the usage TDR for preservation. Compare Taipei City Government's with central government's aims for TDR, this article discusses how Taipei City Government establishes the TDR mechanism, and applies it as a preservation mechanism for historic areas such as the Dihua Street District, and the different policies for usage the TDR take obtaining public lands. Thereby, this article analyzes the different practices of TDR between central government and Taipei City Government, and compares their different results. Based on the analytical discussion on Taiwan case study and theoretical arguments on national policies on preservation, the final section of this article critically reviews the practice of TDR in Central Government, and suggests proposals of improvement or reform. On the theoretical level, this article identifies the precise practice framework and supporting criteria for TDR acting as a strategic instrument for historic preservation. The framework and criteria which carefully examined through case study and argumentative discussion provide insights and suggestions to advance TDR practice for Local and Central Government, and structuralise the diverse delivery mechanisms for urban planning and preservation.
起訖頁 27-93
關鍵詞 歷史保存容積移轉發展權都市設計審議政策分析PreservationTransfer of Development Rights TDR Development RightsUrban Design ReviewPolicy Analysis
刊名 文資學報  
期數 200812 (4期)
出版單位 國立臺北藝術大學文化資源學院
該期刊-上一篇 文化再生產:一個無形文化資產哲學芻議
該期刊-下一篇 日本景觀維護的觀念與制度應用於區域性保存之研究




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