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Cultural Reproduction: A Philosophy of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
作者 林崇熙
台灣許多無形文化資產的保存與發展困境都源自於無形文化資產保存領域尚未有眾人共同接受的哲學基礎。文化資產保存這般的「前典範時期」領域,急迫需要建構其哲學基礎,俾能憑以解決種種文化資產指定、修復、傳承、紀錄、管理、維護、經營、再利用等面向的疑義與糾紛。本文提出以「好文化」做為一種無形文化資產的世界觀,以「文化脈絡自明性」來做為一種無形文化資產的價值觀,從「保存的弔詭」來省思無形文化資產的社會觀,提出以「文化有機生態論」來做為無形文化資產的知識論,以「情感與用心」來呈現無形文化資產的美學觀。最終希望能從哲學觀點建構無形文化資產的再生產性。Lots of problems happen in the intangible cultural heritage conservation in Taiwan since people still don't have a necessary philosophy. Since the 'pre-paradigm' characteristics of the cultural heritage conservation in Taiwan, it is necessary to get a common view for the intangible cultural heritage conservation, in order to solve the doubts and problems regarding the appointment, restoration, education, record, management, maintenance, promotion in the cultural heritage conservation. This paper proposes a 'good culture' concept as a world view, a 'cultural context self-identity' as a value, a 'conservation paradox' as a social operation review, a 'cultural ecosystem' as an epistemology, and an 'emotion and efforts' as an aesthetics for the intangible cultural heritage conservation. Finally, this paper hopes that the philosophy may help the reproduction of the intangible cultural heritage in Taiwan.
起訖頁 1-26
關鍵詞 無形文化資產哲學Intangible cultural heritagePhilosophy
刊名 文資學報  
期數 200812 (4期)
出版單位 國立臺北藝術大學文化資源學院
該期刊-下一篇 台灣運用容積移轉於歷史保存之政策與實踐之檢討




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