中文摘要 |
《六祖壇經》是中國禪宗最重要的典籍,也是中國讀書人最喜歡讀的一本佛教經典,在中國從八世紀問世以來,歷代引用者有之,闡述者有之,增刪者有之,卻從未有人為之作過詳盡的註解,直到20世紀,丁福保居士才首先為《六祖壇經》做了詳細的註釋,填補此一空白。然而學術界對此部首開風氣之書,迄未有任何相關研究,本文可能是學術界第一篇針對《六祖壇經箋註》進行研究的論文。主要討論丁福保在註經時所採取的態度與方法,其在中國佛教的註經傳統中具有創新意義,論文中並嘗試指出其不足之處。This paper is devoted to the first Chinese commentary on The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch, which was written in the eighth century. Although The Platform Sutra is the primary scripture of Chinese Chan Buddhism and has been widely cited in the Chinese Buddhist community, a commentary on The Platform Sutra was never written until Ding Fubao, a lay Buddhist scholar, in the twentieth century. This present paper is probably the first study which discloses the intention and the interpretative strategy of Ding Fubao in his commentary. |