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A Preliminary Study of Chan Master Xuedou's Life and Works
作者 黃繹勳
雪竇重顯(98-1052)為禪宗雲門派下重要之禪師,本文以呂夏卿(活躍於約1025-1077)所著〈明州雪竇山資聖寺第六祖明覺大師塔銘〉為底本,綜合分析雪竇之書信和其他文獻之記載,藉以呈現雪竇出家、行腳、得法和弘法之完整生平。根據呂夏卿之〈明州雪竇山資聖寺第六祖明覺大師塔銘〉,雪竇之弟子將雪竇上堂示眾或拈古等內容共彙編了七集,這七集的內容,皆是學人欲深入探討雪竇之思想與教學方式,非常珍貴的文獻資料。此外,筆者並提出對於雪竇之研究,歷來多為學者所忽視之重要文獻資料--《祖庭事苑》中「雪竇拾遺」之內容。筆者期望在對雪竇之生平和雪竇七集有完整之了解後,能激發學者對雪竇之研究的興趣,將來繼續對雪竇之思想、教法與修行之內容作更深入之探討。Master Xuedou (980-1052) is an important Chan master of the Yunmen branch. By using Xuedou's funerary inscription composed by Lu Xiaqing (active 1025-1077), letters written by Xuedou himself, and other sources, this paper analyzes different stages of Xuedou's life. According to Xuedou's funerary inscription, Xuedou's disciples compiled seven texts composed of Xuedou's talks given in the Dharma Hall, remarks on old cases, and critical examinations of his disciples'questions and letters. In addition, the Zuting shiyuan includes works not found in those seven texts in its'Additional Works of Xuedou,'a source which scholars have long overlooked. Through a complete understanding of Xuedou's life and the seven texts, the author hopes to inspire scholarly interest in Xuedou's teachings and practices.
起訖頁 77-117
關鍵詞 雪竇雪竇七集頌古祖庭事苑雪竇拾遺XuedouXuedou's seven textsRemarks on old casesZuting shiyuanAdditional works of Xuedou
刊名 佛學研究中心學報  
期數 200712 (14期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 巴利經典文獻中定型文句的一些特徵
該期刊-下一篇 火.爐.土.均--覺浪道盛與無可弘智的統攝之學




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