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Effects of high-altitude endurance exercise on human oxidative stress
作者 沙部.魯比 (Sha Pu-Lu Bi)林嘉志潘怡廷林正常
目的:探討高地與平地之單次耐力運動,所造成氧化壓力之影響。方法:招募健康研究對象18位(男性10位及女性8位,年齡:20.3±0.4歲、身高:165.9±8.0公分與體重:59.5±12.0公斤)。藉由隨機交叉方式在高地與平地環境進行耐力運動時,分析其安靜(Pre)、運動後立即(Post)與運動後(10min、60min、120min與240min)的血漿生化指標。各項分析所得的數據均以平均數±標準誤表示。以重複量數雙因子(環境*時間)變異數分析考驗其差異程度,顯著性訂為p<.05。結果:血比容(hematocrit,Hct)、乳酸(lactate)、尿酸(uric acid)與葡萄糖(glucose)濃度,環境主要效果達顯著差異;高地顯著高於平地環境(p<.05)。高地耐力運動後血漿總蛋白、羰基蛋白(carbonyl proteins)、硫代巴比妥酸反應物(TBARS)與氮氧化物(NOx)濃度;超氧離子歧化酶(SOD)、麩胱甘肽過氧化酶(GPx)與過氧化氫酶(CAT)活性,與平地從事耐力運動相比並無顯著的差異(p>.05)。結論:急性高地(2,400m)耐力運動可能不會造成氧化壓力,但會增加代謝壓力。To compare the effects of high-altitude and sea-level acute endurance exercises on oxidative stress. Methods: Eighteen healthy subjects (10 men and 8 women, age: 20.3 ± 0.4 yrs, height: 165.9 ± 8.0 cm, weight: 59.5 ± 12.0 kg) were recruited and randomly assigned to high-altitude or sea-level environment for acute endurance exercise. Blood samples were collected at resting (Pre), post-exercise (Post), post-exercise 10 min, post-exercise 60 min, post-exercise 120 min, and post-exercise 240 min for analyzing the plasma biochemical indicators. All data were denoted by the mean ± standard error. Repeated measures two-way (environment * time) analysis of variance was adopted to test the mean differences. The level of significance was set at p < .05. Results: Environmental effects on hematocrit (Hct), lactate, uric acid and glucose concentrations were significantly higher at high altitude than those at sea level (p < .05). After endurance exercise in high-altitude environment, total plasma proteins, carbonyl proteins, thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS), nitrogen oxides concentrations (NOx), superoxide dismutase activity (SOD), glutathione peroxidase activity (GPx) and catalase activity (CAT) were non-significantly different from those in sea-level environment (p >.05). Conclusion: Acute endurance exercise at high altitude (2,400 m) might not cause oxidative stress, but would increase metabolic stress.
起訖頁 359-376
關鍵詞 氧化傷害抗氧化酶葡萄糖代謝環境oxidative damageantioxidant enzymesglucose metabolismenvironment
刊名 體育學報  
期數 201403 (47:1期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 咖啡因對中高強度間歇運動後超額攝氧量的影響
該期刊-下一篇 運動生物力學應用在棒壘球運動機能襪之研發




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