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The influence of short-term normoxic exercise training and recovery in hypoxic condition on glycogen synthesis in exercised human skeletal muscle
作者 張嘉珍 (Chia-Chen Chang)廖淑芬 (Su-Fen Liao)張聖良程一雄 (I-Shiung Cheng)徐孟達
目的:探討短期「高住低訓」的訓練方式,是否能提高單次運動後人體肌肉肝醣合成能力。方法:八名健康且規律運動男性進行交叉實驗設計,排空期為二十一天。受試者隨機接受每天一小時70%最大攝氧量(V.O2max)訓練且常壓常氧環境睡眠共七天(控制實驗),或每天一小時運動訓練(70%V.O2max)且常壓低氧環境睡眠十小時(低氧實驗)共七天。兩種實驗皆在第八天進行單次一小時70%V.O2max腳踏車運動,隨後採集肌肉樣本,再給予補充高碳水化合物飲食,後續第四小時執行第二次肌肉採樣。血液樣本於單次運動前後、運動後四小時期間每三十分鐘採血。研究數據以重複量數雙因子變異數分析。結果:低氧實驗在運動後肌肉肝醣濃度顯著高於控制實驗(p<.05);低氧實驗的游離脂肪酸與甘油濃度在運動前、後與運動後三十分鐘顯著低於控制實驗(p<.05);兩種實驗的血漿葡萄糖、血漿葡萄糖曲線下面積、胰島素、胰島素曲線下面積、皮質醇濃度在不同時間點皆未達顯著差異。結論:短期高住低訓可能加速運動恢復初期的人體骨骼肌肉肝醣合成速率,提高人體對醣類的利用與儲存,具肝醣超補的作用。To investigate whether short-term normoxic exercise training and recovery in hypoxic condition could enhance the glycogen synthesis in human skeletal muscle. Method: In this cross-over designed study, eight healthy males were categorized into two trials. Subjects in first trial exercised at 70% V.O2max for 60 minutes per day and recovered at sea level (control), and subjects in second trial exercised at 70% V.O2max for 60 minutes per day at sea level and recovered in a hypoxic chamber (living high and training low, LHTL) for 7 days in random order. On 8th day, subjects in both trials performed a 60-min cycling exercise at 70% V.O2max, and subsequently consumed a high carbohydrate meal. Biopsied muscle samples were obtained from vastus lateralis immediately and 4 h after exercise. Blood samples were collected before exercise, immediately after exercise, and for every 30 min during 4-h post-exercise recovery. The same procedures were repeated after three weeks washout period. Result: Muscle glycogen level response at post-exercise 4 h markedly higher in LHTL than in control (p < .05). Both of non-ester fatty acid and glycerol level were markedly lower before exercise, immediately after exercise, and 30 min during recovery period in LHTL compared to control (p < .05). However, blood glucose, blood glucose area under curve, insulin, insulin area under curve, and cortisol levels were not altered between trails (p > .05). Conclusion: LHTL could increase the rate of muscle glycogen synthesis immediately after a single bout of exercise and promote glucose uptake as result to enhance glycogen supercompensation in humans.
起訖頁 339-348
關鍵詞 運動訓練肌肉肝醣碳水化合物exercise trainingmuscle glycogencarbohydrate
刊名 體育學報  
期數 201403 (47:1期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 本土體育運動學術的發展趨勢分析:以1979-2013「體育學報」為例
該期刊-下一篇 咖啡因對中高強度間歇運動後超額攝氧量的影響




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