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An analysis of physical education and sports discipline development trend of Physical Education Journal from 1979 to 2013
作者 徐振德林聯喜戴玉林蔡清華 (Ching-Hwa Tsai)
目的:專業期刊可反映學術領域的興趣與時代思潮,以現今的國際趨勢而言,不同領域的學術期刊均定期回顧其發展趨勢,因此本研究以《體育學報》為對象,分析該期刊從1979至2013共35年間的所有文章,期能透過統整性的回顧研究觀察我國體育運動學術發展的脈動。方法:本研究採內容分析法探討體育運動學術發展趨勢,並透過百分比一致性公式檢驗內容分析的信度。結果:研究成果呈現近35年本土體育運動學術的發展趨勢,在學科分化後,各次領域均有不同的發展途徑。以整體性來說,自然科學類與人文社會科學類逐漸呈現將近6:4的比例產出論文,女性參與、多人發表成為近年的趨勢。結論:透過分析結果,本研究認為未來應相對關注發展體育運動學術中較居弱勢的學科領域,並更鼓勵女性發表論文;由於此類研究是相當重要的基礎學術工程,建議後續可朝分析多本期刊並進行國際比較的方向繼續研究。Professional journal is one of the ways to communicate with studies and practices, which enables to reflect academic interests and trends of the time. From the perspectives of international trends, journals can grow through content analysis oriented in researches. This study analyzed Physical Education Journal from 1979 to 2013, and hope recalled years of academic focus in Physical Education researches in Taiwan. Methods: This study used content analysis to analyze physical education and sports discipline development trend, and examine the reliability of content analysis through the percent agreement formula. Results: The findings both revealed the development trends and depicted the beating of sub-disciplines of sport studies. The ratio between Natural sciences and humanities & social sciences gradually showing nearly 6:4. Overall, it become a trend in Female participation and co-published in recent years. Conclusion: This study showed the research trend of physical education in the past thirty years. By the results of this study should be relatively concerned about the future development of the weaker disciplines and to encourage more female publish their research. Analyzed the trends of physical education research fields is a very important fundamental research, it is recommended that a follow-up study should including more journals and proceeding international comparability.
起訖頁 325-337
關鍵詞 內容分析科技部體育學門學科領域content analysisphysical education discipline of the Ministry of Science and Technologyacademic research fields
刊名 體育學報  
期數 201403 (47:1期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 數位學習媒體與戰術作業對國小五年級學生創造力之影響
該期刊-下一篇 短期「高住低訓」訓練方式對單次運動後人體骨骼肌肉肝醣合成之影響




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