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Biomechanical Analysis of Taekwondo Back Kick Technique
作者 洪彰岑劉宇許昭興
本研究之主要目的在探討跆拳道後踢動作過程生物力學變數之關係。研究以十名大學跆拳道運動員為實驗參加者,平均年齡21.0±2.4歲、身高176.2±6.5公分、體重69.2±12.2公斤、練習時間9.1±2.6年。使用Peak Performance 3D運動影像分析系統(60Hz)及F-scan鞋底測力系統(100Hz),同步蒐集後踢動作過程的生物力學參數。經皮爾森積差相關分析(Pearson's product-moment correlation)結果顯示:身體軀幹前傾角度與動作時間呈負相關;攻擊腿與支撐腿兩腿的夾角與動作時間呈正相關(p<.05)。重心速度最大值出現至擊中目標物這段時間與攻擊的力量值呈負相關(p<.05)。支撐腿蹬地力量值及身體軀幹旋轉速度與攻擊的力量值呈正相關(p<.05)。身體軀幹旋轉角度及軀幹前傾角度在碰撞階段的變化值與攻擊的力量值呈負相關(p<.05)。綜合上述結果,本研究提出以下結論:(一)後踢動作在踢擊過程中,應避免身體軀幹的前傾並儘量將兩腿夾緊,以縮短動作時間及提高攻擊力量。(二)重心速度最大值出現的時間應儘量接近於攻擊瞬間,以獲得更大的攻擊力量。(三)除了技術層面的提昇外,更應透過重量訓練的手段對支撐腿的肌力進行加強。This study investigated the biomechanical factors involved in the Taekwondo back kick technique. Data were obtained from ten test subjects of the university Taekwondo teams. (age 21.0±2.4 years old, height 176.2±6.5 cm, weight 69.2±12.2 kg and years of practice 9.1±2.6 years.) The variables of kinematics and kinetics of the back kick movement were then analyzed using the Peak Performance 3D video motion analysis system (60Hz) and F-scan in-shoes force analysis system (100Hz). The results through Pearson's product-moment correlation indicate that the angle of the torso forward increased with the decrease in the movement time; the angle between the kicking leg and the supporting one increased with the increase of the movement time (p<.05). The punching power increased with the decrease of the time period between the time performing the maximum velocity of the gravity of the body's center and the time making contact with the punching bag (p<.05). The punching power increased with the increase of both the torso rotational velocity and the power of the supporting leg (p<.05). The punching power increased with the decrease of the angle of torso rotation and the angle of forward variant in the impact phase (p<.05). The conclusions are: (1)To reduce the movement time and enhance the punching power in the back kick, the torso forward should be avoided and the two legs should be closer together, (2)The to increase the punching power, the time performing the maximum velocity of the gravity of body's center should be closer to the time making contact with the punching bag. (3)In addition to the improvement of the skills in the back kick, the strength of the supporting leg should be enhanced through weight training.
起訖頁 69-81
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200309 (35期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 網球反拍截擊動作之上肢肌肉活化與動量傳遞之研究
該期刊-下一篇 職業與業餘棒球選手知覺教練領導行為對滿意度之研究




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