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Effects of Sprint Training on Vault Approach Velocity
作者 郭榮全陳重佑 (Chung-Yu Chen)俞智贏
本研究的目的是透過短跑訓練的介入與高頻測速槍的即時回饋,探討跳馬助跑姿勢修正後對助跑過程的運動學參數之影響。2002年亞運培訓的八位男子體操運動員,經過每週五次、每次二十分鐘共為期六週的短跑訓練介入,訓練期間又輔以LDM300C高頻測速槍(100Hz)記錄分析並回饋實驗參加者實施前手翻團身前空翻及個人最高起評分動作的助跑全程運動學參數。每隔二週共四次,收集獲得之運動學參數經重複量數單因子變異數分析與杜凱法進行統計分析,統計的顯著水準定為α=.05。研究結果顯示短跑訓練的介入後,體操運動員在實施個人最高起評分動作時的跳馬助跑最大速度由8.54±0.37m/s顯著提升至8.89±0.22m/s(p<.05,η2=.717),產生助跑最大速度離馬距離由4.07±1.11m縮短至2.59±0.65m(p<.05,η2=.562);在踏板速度方面,經過短跑訓練的介入後,體操運動員在實施個人最高起評分動作時的踏板速度由7.05±0.44m/s顯著提升至8.21±0.26m/s(p<.05,η2=.726);經過六週的短跑訓練後,不僅對於跳馬動作技術的提升有所助益,對其他項目亦產生提升的效果,例如:地板前空翻系列的動作。且訓練時間安排在做操前對運動員的熱身亦有正面之效果。The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in kinematical parameters for vault approaches through the intervention of sprint training and the instantaneous feedback of run-up kinematical information. Eight male gymnasts training for the 2002 Asian Games served as participants. The gymnasts participqted in sprint training for 20 minutes five times a week over six weeks. The Laser Distance Measurement 300C system (100Hz) was used to record and analyze the full process of vault approach kinematics data about the performance of handspring/salto vault (HS) and the gymnast's highest value performance (HV). Velocity information was feedback instantly to the participants after every measurement. The kinematical data, four times in total, was analyzed by repeated measures one-way ANOVA and honestly significant difference with an alpha level of .05. The results showed that the peak velocity for the approach of HV performance was significantly increased after sprint training (p<.05, η2=.717, from 8.54 ( 0.37m/s to 8.89 ( 0.22m/s), and the peak velocity was significantly closer in to horse from 4.07 ( 1.11m to 2.59 ( 0.65m (p<.05, η2=.562). The changes of kinematical parameters through sprint training not only enhanced the approach velocity and performance quality, but also affected related movements for example the front/salto in the floor exerase Furthermore, the sprint training program had positive effects for warming up.
起訖頁 25-35
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200309 (35期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 大學生運動傷害之分佈與再度傷害之危險因子
該期刊-下一篇 鈍劍握把角度最佳化之實驗研究




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