中文摘要 |
本研究目的旨在探討校園啦啦隊競賽意見之調查,以問卷調查為主要研究方法。受試對象為新竹師院大一男女學生共計420名;發出問卷420份,回收問卷370份,其中有效問卷312份(男生65位,女生247位),回收率達88%。以描述統計計算各組平均數、標準差、次數分配及百分比,卡方檢定進行不同性別變項差異之比較,獲得結果如下:一、啦啦隊競賽活動對學校體育影響層面最大者為班級,其次依序為個人、學校。二、比較不同性別變項對啦啦隊競賽活動之意見,達顯著差異的項目有:啦啦隊有助運動習慣的養成、可以增進個人表現力、可以為班級爭取最高榮譽、增進同學彼此的了解、增進同學對學校的認同感、有助於學校與社區間的互動、提昇師生情誼等。The purpose of this study was to investigate opinions on school cheerleading competition . The questionnaire of the study . Subjects for this study were 420 university freshmen in National Hsin-Chu Teachers' College , 312 valid copies received(88%). The inferential statistics, mean, standard deviation, frequency distribution, percentile, and chi-square, were used for data analysis. The results were shown as follows: 1,Cheerleading competition had the greatest impact on groups , such as classes , followed by individuals and school. 2,The gender differences were found significant in : (1)Cheerleading is beneficial to enhance individual exercise habit. (2) Cheerleading improves individual performance. (3)Cheerleading can strive honor or glory for own class. (4) Cheerleading can help the class as a whole to gain more recognition among peers. (5) Cheerleading helps to improve the identification in which students are related to their school. (6)Cheerleading increases the interactions between school and community. Cheerleading improves the relationship between teachers and students. |