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The Study of Base Running Speed Comparison Between Aim-on-Base And Aim-on-Field
作者 陳慧英
本研究旨在探討在棒、壘球的比賽中,跑壘時注意場內情況,是否與傳統上注視壘包的跑壘方法在速度上有所差異。本研究採用壘球比賽之方式,實施從本壘擊球後上一壘及從二壘以站立式起跑出發上三壘之測試,其中每項分有眼睛注視場內與注視壘包兩種跑壘方法。受試者為40名男性,分別以AMF碼錶及狄肯氏自動運動能力分析器(Dekan Automatic Performance Analyzer),計測所測試之動作時間(movement time)及完成時間(elapsed time),記錄至1/100秒,所得結果再以重複量數單因子變異數分析來討論;結果顯示:眼睛注視場內情況與注視壘包的跑壘方法,在速度上並無顯著差異(未達P<.01之顯著水準)。因此建議球員應被訓練在跑壘時去注意場內情況,讓其眼看與心想,結合其智慧與經驗,配合教練及跑壘指導員的指示,使其跑壘時更能掌握時機。The objective of this research was to study the existence of difference of running speed between aim-on-base and aim-on-field. The softball game was designated as the study field where two routes, namely, home base to first base, and second base to third base, of which aim-on-base and aim-on-field were taken into account, respectively. Forty males were participated the test, in which AMF stopwatch and Dekan Automatic Performance Analyzer were used to record movement time and elapsed time, respectively. Recorded time was limited to 1/100 second of accuracy and then studied one way repeated measure ANOVA. The result indicated that there was no significant difference of running speed measure(not up to p<.01 of significant level) between aim-on-base and aim-on-field. Therefore, the suggestion of this study was that a player should pay attention to the field instead of a base to seize a good chance for a better performance by combining his knowledge, experience observing and thinking with the help or indication of coaches. The coefficients of reliability resulted from the test by test-retest and Pearson product-moment correlation method were around 0.57-0.90, which satisfied the significant level of p<0.01 provided that various methods, procedures and apparatus of the tests were no trend. It needs to point out that aim-on-base does not affect the running speed for either baseball or softball games.
起訖頁 113-123
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200209 (33期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 跆拳道後踢動作之運動學分析
該期刊-下一篇 高、低衝擊有氧舞蹈與階梯有氧之生物力學分析




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