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The Kinematical Analysis of Taekwondo Back Kick
作者 洪彰岑劉宇林俊宏 (Jim Lin)
本研究之主要目的在於對影響跆拳道後踢動作之生物力學因素進行探討。實驗參加者為十名大學跆拳道代表隊選手。使用Peak Performance 3D運動影像分析系統,分析描述後踢動作之運動學特徵並針對運動學參數進行探討。運用SPSS/Windows統計軟體對動作時間與相關運動學參數之間的生物力學參數進行皮爾森相關分析(Pearson-Production Analysis)。研究發現:1、由於後踢的動作型態具有其專項特點,因此實驗參加者的攻擊腿皆與人體運動鏈由大關節到小關節的運動順序原理不符。2、軀幹前傾角度在整個運動過程中的角度變化都會對動作時間的長短造成影響。身體軀幹的前傾角度愈小,身體重心在矢狀面的穩定性將會愈好、重心的移動將更為不易,而動作時間將會更長。3、攻擊腿與支撐腿兩腿的夾角與動作時間成正相關、身體軀幹前傾角與動作時間成負相關(p<.05)。The purpose of this study was to investigate the biomechanical factors, which affect Taekwondo back kick motions. The data were obtained from 10 participants of the Taekwondo university teams. It was analyzed for kinematical variables while performing the aforementioned motions by the Peak Performance 3D video motion analysis system (60Hz) to describe the kinematical features of Taekwondo back kick and to analyze the kinematical variables. The biomechanical of variables were analyzed by SPSS/Windows and statistical software. The relationship between the action time and the kinematical variables were investigated by Pearson-Production correlation. Results were as follows: 1. Because of the specific pattern of the back-kick motion, the movement of the participants' kicking legs are different from the body mechanics, which are known to move from big joints to small joints. 2. The change of the angle of torso forward in the process of back-kick will affect the action time. The center of gravity in the sagittal plane will be more stable, the movement of the center of gravity will be harder and the action time will be longer if the angle of torso forward is smaller. 3. The correlation is positive between the action time and the angle formed between the kicking leg and the supporting leg, while it is negative between the action time and the angle of torso forward(p<.05).
起訖頁 99-111
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200209 (33期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 動態動作條件下老年人下肢肌肉勁度與肌電現象之研究
該期刊-下一篇 注視壘包與注視場內之跑壘方法在速度上的比較研究




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