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The Study of Physical Fitness Effects and Motivation with Aerobic Dance Participation in Female
作者 溫怡英
本研究的主要目的在於瞭解慈濟大學推廣教育中心舉辦的有氧舞蹈班之健康體適能狀況,進而探討女性參與有氧舞蹈課程之動機對健康體適能及身體型態的影響。參與這項研究的女性共有28人,其平均年齡為30.6+7.2歲,平均身高、體重為159.4+6.0公分、53.5+6.9公斤,將其分成A組(年輕組,<30歲,共13人)、B組(年長組,≧30歲,共15人)兩組。她們接受筆者設計的有氧舞蹈課程,其運動強度為最大心跳率之60﹪至85﹪之間,為期四週、每週三次、每次60分鐘的有氧舞蹈課程。針對四週的有氧舞蹈課程前、後之健康體適能測驗及參與動機問卷所得資料,經分析討論後,獲致結果如下:一、身體型態測驗方面,在體重、身體質量指數(BMI)、全身脂肪百分比等三項之前、後測平均值皆未達顯著差異,且年齡因素對身體型態並不造成影響。二、在健康體適能測驗方面,除了心肺耐力─900公尺的進步值達顯著(p<.05)外,其他健康體適能各方面要素皆沒有顯著差異;且年輕的女性(A組)在肌耐力方面的進步率比年長的女性(B組)高(p<.05)。三、參加有氧舞蹈之動機方面:(1)參加之主要原因為改善健康;(2)最希望改善之部位以腹部為優先;(3)而身體各部位中,又以腹部最具困難度。The purpose of this study was to explore the fitness conditions of aerobic class in Tzu-Chi University, furthermore examine to know the effects and the motivation with aerobic dance participation in female. There were 28 women for the subjects, and the mean age were 30.6+7.2 years old, and the mean height,weights were 159.4+6.0㎝,53.5+6.9kg. They were divided into two groups. Group A was under 30(N=13), Group B was upper 30 years old(N=15). They were all engaged in the designed aerobic dance classes, and the intensity of the exercise was between 60 to 85﹪HR max. The aerobic dance class of this study was held 4 weeks, three times a week, and each class for 60 minutes. All of the subjects were tested their physical fitness factors, and survey of motivation in participation of aerobic dance class on the first and 4th week. The results of the tests was noted as followed: 1. The average volume of pre-test and post-test in body shape: All of the tests of weight,BMI and body composition (body mass index, BMI) were improved, but weren't reached significant. It's no influence in age to body shape. 2. The average volume of pre-test and post-test in health-related physical fitness: All of the tests in health-related physical fitness were improved, but there were no significant except for cardiovascular endurance-900m run(P<.01). And the younger female were better than the elder in muscular endurance promotion-sit-up 60 seconds(p<.05). 3. The survey of motivation in participation of aerobic dance class: (1) The main purpose to participate in the aerobic class was to improve the health. (2) The first site they want to improve is abdominal. (3) The most difficult part of our body to improve is abdominal.
起訖頁 21-31
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200209 (33期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 不同重高指數大學女性新生健康體能之比較研究
該期刊-下一篇 PACER測驗和最大攝氧量相關之研究




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