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Textual Research for Latin Names and Medicinal Effects of Medium Grade Drugs in Shennongbencaojing
作者 劉淑鈴郭昭麟柯裕仁謝明村
"作者曾發表《神農本草經》「上品藥」拉丁名與藥效之本草考證,有助於中醫藥國際化。本文擬繼續進行「中品藥」的本草考證研究。首先仍將藥物分類為:植物(74 種)、礦石(14種)、動物(11 種)、魚貝(4 種)、昆蟲(8 種)、其它(3 種)等六大類。考證結果「中品藥」共有114 種藥物,其中可供日常食用的藥物約有8 種(乾薑、百合、海藻、龍眼、梅實、粟米、黍米、薤),尚未被定義出基原者僅有2 種(紫參、膚青),並無「有名未用」的藥物存在。結果與前已發表論文「上品藥」作比較,本研究符合「中品藥」的定義,即「食用者較少,但療病者漸深」。另各藥物具有相同基原者,羅列於下:乾薑- 生薑、蠡實- 馬藺子、積雪草- 雷公根、秦茮- 花椒、紫葳- 凌霄花、白棘- 酸棗、凝水石- 寒水石、天鼠屎- 夜明砂、烏賊魚骨- 海螵蛸、蜚廉(蠊)- 蟑螂、蟅蟲- 地鱉蟲。本研究仍引用孫星衍與孫馮翼編著的《神農本草經》版本,作為藥物考證的來源依據。In our previous research for Top Grade Drugs, Textual Research for Latin Names and Medicinal Effects of Top Grade Drugs in Shennongbencaojing, we have defined names by various used parts, corrected misnames, confirmed scientific names, gathered papers and evaluated utilization in medicine, which helped to achieve the internationalization of Chinese Medicine. This study was one of the sequels to textual research for Shennongbencaojing. The Medium Grade Drugs were divided, in the same way for Top Grade Drugs, into six groups and their drug numbers were also shown in the following order: Plant (74 drugs), Mineral (14 drugs), Animal (11 drugs), Fish and Shellfish (four drugs), Insect (eight drugs) and Other (three drugs). The number of Medium Grade Drugs in the Sun’s edition was summed up by us to 114 exactly. The 114 drugs were reclassified by us in this study although old classifications already existed in the Shennongbencaojing. Eight drugs were considered by us to be edible as daily food, such as: Ganjing (No. 1), Baihe (No. 14), Haizao (No. 36), Longyan (No. 62), Meishi (No. 66), Sumi (No. 69), Shumi (No. 70), and Xie (No. 73). Only for two drugs, Zishen (No. 28 of Plants) and Fuqing (No. 14 of Minerials), their scientific names have not yet been defined. All the other drugs can be used in medicine. The results fit the conception that “The Medium Grade Drugs are less often used as food and more often used to treat patients in medicine.” Moreover, some drugs (plant or mineral) although have same origin but their Chinese medicinal names are different from Chinese common names. Examples are Zingiber officinale Roscoe, Iris lactea Pall. var. chinensis (Fisch.) Koidz., Centella asiatica (L.) Urb., Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim., Campsis grandiflora (Thunb.) K. Schum., Ziziphus jujuba Mill. var. spinosa (Bunge) Hu ex H. F. Chou, Mineral Ningshuishi, Vespertilio superans Thomas, Sepiella maindroni de Rochebrune, Periplaneta americana L., and Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker. Finally, the edition of Shennongbencaojing compiled by Sun Xingyan and Sun Fengyi was still chosen as the foundation to complete this sequent Medium Grade Drugs textual research. "
起訖頁 199-221
關鍵詞 腫瘤化學治療放射線治療傳統中醫體重減輕生活品質CancerChemotherapyRadiation therapyTraditional Chinese medicineWeight lossQuality of life
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 201212 (23:2期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣中醫藥學術期刊國際化之策略及展望
該期刊-下一篇 穴位埋線對單純性肥胖女性身體質量指數的影響:一個隨機、單盲試驗




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