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The strategy for the development of a Science Citation Index (SCI)-grade Chinese medicine journal in Taiwan
作者 呂庶熙蔡岳廷賴榮年葉家豪 (Chia-Hao Yeh)
臺灣中醫界不僅在教育、考核與訓練各方面都相當成熟,在學術研究上也有相當傑出的表現,國內有許多專業的中醫期刊持續地發行,如何將這些重要的資源加以整合,並且在國際上發展出具有臺灣中醫特色的醫學期刊是相當值得重視的課題。本研究以質性研究的座談會、問卷及深度訪談為主,於九個月內共計邀請23 位專業人士參與6 場專家共識會議;另外以問卷方式有效蒐集40 位專家學者的意見進行分析;同時深度訪談國內8 位擁有SCI 收錄發展經驗的教授或專家。研究結果顯示,臺灣中醫界期望這本SCI 級的期刊特色是以中醫藥臨床研究論文為主;國立中醫藥研究所則是推動這本國際級學術期刊最適當之公部門;國內其他以中文為主的高品質期刊,例如中醫藥雜誌,也建議持續發行,以滿足各個層面的讀者;同時臺灣中醫藥界若能有效整合產、官、學、研的力量,有機會發展出一本國際性SCI 的中醫藥學術期刊。Medicine journals enable clinicians and clinical research personnel to learn about the foremost medical news, and they serve also as important channels for the timely acquisition of medical information, while in the same time, being the vital resource for the development of medical research. The developments of aspects known as teaching, testing, training, and using in Chinese medicine industry of Taiwan are thriving, it is thus worthy to pay attention to whether or not a fine Chinese medicine journal that is based on empirical research should be actively integrated or published. This research is conducted through qualitative research questionnaire and in-depth interviews, expert editors from domestic SCI journals are invited to participate in the interviews. Six expert workshop sessions were held within a period of nine months, a total of 40 experts took part in the sessions and finished with the interviews, among the experts interviewed, there were 8 of them who had successfully published SCI journals in the nation. Experts who were in favor of the development of a Chinese medicine SCI journal were the majority, National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine (NRICM) was also suggested to become the adequate public sector to promote such work. High-quality Chinese medicine journals that are published in Chinese, such as Taiwan Journal of Chinese Medicine should be allowed for parallel development, as to provide service to different groups of readers. With the power combined from industry, government, academia and research, Taiwan should carry on to actively encourage the publication of a SCI-grade Chinese medicine journal.
起訖頁 183-198
關鍵詞 放射性皮膚炎中藥白芷蘆薈凝膠腫瘤疾病Radiation dermatitisChinese medicineAngelica aloe vera gelCancer diseases
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 201212 (23:2期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 龜鹿二仙膠治療更年期綜合症之臨床評估
該期刊-下一篇 《神農本草經》中品藥拉丁名與藥效之本草考證




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